Team Racing Cup
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Welcome to
community team racing services

We've got our favourite logo designer, Nik, to create a logo for the site. You see the result below. You may use the versions where you want. They should fit well on skins, course intros and links from other web sites. We've made 2 avatar versions which you are welcome to use, as well as a range of 3 team skins thanks to Alex/Zhik.


Red Team SkinLoc file
Blue Team SkinLoc file
Neutral Team SkinLoc file

Place the loc-files in the same folder as the skin files, for faster downloading of the skins on the water.



A course pack is under construction. Currently 9 sites are available, last updated April 12th with Auckland. 5 standard TR courses (Straight, Loop x 2 and Snake x 2) are created for each VSK site. Check back frequently for updates.

See the files below for download. It is not really necessary to download the two media files, as the images and sound files will automatically be downloaded from this webserver for these courses. But you may download them if you want to use these media files on the courses you make.

VSK Team Course pack - extract files in Documents/GameDir/Tracks/Challenges
Intro images - extract files in Documents/GameDir/MediaTracker/Images
Intro sound - extract files in Documents/GameDir/MediaTracker/Sounds



