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PostPosted: 19 Nov 2005 20:11
by CAN Knot
Ok, so how exactly does one watch a replay in VSK4? I read a post from Harald somewhere where he said the new replays in VSK4 are great, and I'll take him at his word, but for the life of me I can't figure out how the hell to watch the things...

PostPosted: 19 Nov 2005 21:44
??? Got the same problem Keith :(

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2005 01:30
by euphoria
I said the movie editor is great, not the replay feature.
The replay was better with vsk3, but they have improved it from a Track Mania point of view...

To watch a replay, first delete the default camera block.
The start the replay and move around the course with the arrow keys and the mouse.


PostPosted: 20 Nov 2005 20:39
by CAN Knot
Ok, I'm making some progress. Here is what I've learned so far:

You don't have to delete the default camera. When you select the "Camera Track" there are two controls on the top left. One will say "Inside" (this is the current camera view, inside the boat, total useless). You can change this to "Inside", "Aerial", and "Follow". Change this to "Follow". Above (or below, I can't rememebr) that is the name of the boat the camera will track. Change this to the boat you want to follow. Now the camera will follow that boat during the replay.

Each track can also have several "Blocks". The default camera block starts at the beginning of the race and ends at the end of the race (makes sense). However, you can change this by either selecting the block and adjusting the block start and end times (upper left), or by "dragging" the yellow bars on the timeline that mark the start and end points of the block. Once you have resized the default camera block you can add other blocks to the camera track. To do this move the red slider to an empty part of the camera track, that is outside the default block you just resized, and click the "Insert Block" button (just above the tracks). Your choices for cameras are "Camera Custom", "Camera Race", and "Camera Path" (there might be one more...). "Camera Custom" seems to place a static camera on the course that will aim at whatever you set the camera to follow. Note, when you first add the camera you can position it with the arrow keys or by changing the number on the left hand panel, but after you have placed the camera it seems that you can not select it later and change the values, so make sure you get them right the first time!

Presumably the camera in "Camera Path" follows a path of some sort, but I haven't figured that out.

"Camera Race" gives you another camera like the default camera block that you can use to follow a particular boat etc.

You can also add new tracks for things like text messages, sounds, transitions etc. Simply click the "Add Track" button, select the type of track you want, and set the start and end times.

So far I have no idea what adding a "Key" does...

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2005 20:51
by euphoria
A key is a reference point for camera.
By default there is a start key and end key for each block.
You can add as many keys as you want.
When you click on a key, it gets highlighted.
The changes you make with the camera when a key is highlighted is saved to that key.
Then when running the replay, the camera position is interpolated in the period between two keys.


PostPosted: 20 Nov 2005 23:44
by CAN Knot
I will give that a shot. However, when I "hightlight" a key there is no way to make changes to a camera, and if you select a camera the key is no longer highlighted...

Now, do you know how to record only part of a replay to an avi file? When I select "Shoot Video" it seems to want to record the entire replay...

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2005 01:03
by euphoria
Yes, the optimist avi was shot like that.
I have to go to bed now, but will explain tomorrow (or when you remind me) unless someone else does (nick) in the mean time.


PostPosted: 24 Nov 2005 23:40
by CAN Knot
Consider this a reminder ;)

PostPosted: 25 Nov 2005 08:38
by Skiffie
Perhaps H is exhausted from all of the movie editing :laugh:

PostPosted: 25 Nov 2005 11:30
by Oobie
Some things I've found for making replays bearable in VSK4:

1. After deleting the camera block, I use the mouse wheel to zoom all the way in until it stops, then I control my distance from the boats using the up and down arrow keys. The reason is coz the mouse wheel controls to "focal length" of the camera lens and by default, it's set at a wide angle. The race is much better viewed using a "telephoto" setting rather than a "Fish-eye". The up and down arrow keys control the "dolly" of the camera ie. the physical distance between camera and subject.

2. That part covered, you can watch the prestart from above, but as the boats sail off up the course, you'll end up quite low on the water following them. To get some more height, you have to point the camera down at the water using the mouse, and then zoom out. You'll be zooming backwards into the sky and then you can get above the boats again.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2005 00:53
by CAN Knot
I'm hoping Harald is writing up a nice tutorial that I can link to in my FAQ :D

However, when I watch replays I usually leave the default camera block in place and set it to "Follow" whatever boat I'm interested in. That way if I advance the time by dragging the red marker the camera stays with the race and I don't have to go hunting it down.

It's too bad nadeo didn't leave the replay viewer the way it was and just added the editor... don't know what the reasoning was behind that one... I wonder if VSK3 can view VSK4 replays?

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2005 02:55
by Kwasi
CAN Knot wrote:It's too bad nadeo didn't leave the replay viewer the way it was and just added the editor... don't know what the reasoning was behind that one

I was wondering, too...
After It was obvious, that the 1st Version of VSK4 will have this kind of "Meditracker", it was my idea to include just the old Replay Viewer in the Demo.

I still like that idea, as it would allow you to have a look on replays on nearly any comp. Probabaly Nadeo found this, too, so they explained finally, that it is not possible. Let me quote:

we can't support two development of the same feature
at this time, in our engine, the replay editor is much more powerful but not enough simple. it is the same problem in TrackMania.
... we have modified it [the code] and adapted it, so it is not possible to 'import' this code easily
what a pity and what lazy jerks ;)

... I wonder if VSK3 can view VSK4 replays?

I guess, you didn't test it yet. I did it 4 you: negative

Edited By Kwasi on 1132966975

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2005 14:33
by euphoria
How to make an AVI (or replay) of a specific scene (or multiple for that matter):

1. Open the replay in edit mode.
2. Highlight the time block and look through the replay to find the scenes you want to include. For each scene, take notes of the "Time Value" of the start and end of the scene you want to include. ("Time Value" is simply number of seconds since the start of the original replay.)
3. Delete the "Events" track, as this can't be trimmed down.
4. Click on the default block in the time track.
5. Click on the input field for "Block Start" and set this value to 0 if it's the first scene, or set it equal to end to of the previeous scene.
6. Click on the input field for "Block End" and edit this value to match the number of seconds between the start and end time value of your first scene. Note that this input is in minutes, seconds and hundreds.
7. Click on the start key of your time block (the orange bar defining the left side) so that it is highlighted (yellow).
8. Click on the input field for "Time Value" and enter the start "Time Value" you found in step 2.
9. Click on the end key of your time block (the orange bar defining the right side) so that it is highlighted (yellow).
10. Click on the input field for "Time Value" and enter the end "Time Value" you found in step 2.

If you want to add more scenes, just insert a new block on the time track, and do step 5 to 10 again.

Then finally add alot of camera views to make your replay/movie "spectacular".

PS! If the "Time Value" which defines the start and end of a block does not correspond to "Start Time" and "End Time", then you will have the scene in slow motion or fast forward, which could be useful in some cases. Just play around with it to understand it fully.

Feel free to add this to your FAQ Keith.


PostPosted: 27 Nov 2005 20:53
by CAN Knot
Thanks Harald,

3. Delete the "Events" track, as this can't be trimmed down.

Ah, that was the crucial step I was missing... I'll go and try it now.