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PostPosted: 22 Mar 2004 17:32
by jan_jansen_13
after sailing a few races in vsk3 I will see penalty inflicted... what does that mean? Everytime I end a race it was not good because of that... I am not quite so good in reading my french manual, so what do I have to do to win this races?

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2004 19:57
by amic
It probably means that you have to *give* a pen to the opponent in order to complete the challenge.

Weird way to learn rules / tactics, but eh...

Give us more details if you are still having problems (eg, challenge #).

amic [ITBYC]

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2004 14:38
by DDodge
amic, I would be interested in your thoughts on challenge 10, where one must inflict a penalty on the opponent. I've sailed for years, but never raced, so I need to get my head into how one can force a penalty on someone else.

Thanks in advance,

Don D in USA

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2004 14:19
by amic
Hey Don

I remember this one as we just discussed it on the official forum (in French though). I think the best way to "catch" the other guy is at the top mark. Get in there first, on starboard. I think the IA comes on port. Let him round inside you but "close the door" as it does so. Because you are protected by 18, he is not allowed to go inside. That should get him a penalty.

If that does not work let me know and I will look at the case again.

I think there are only few challenges where you need to inflict a pen to the other guy. Which is a good thing, it's not always easy!

Good luck

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2004 17:35
by Aeolus
I can't remember what challenge it is but I think it might be #10. Your opponant starts on starboardt tack near the starboard end of the line. I started about five boat lengths to leward and climbed up on him and tapped him from leward. That gave him the pen before the windward mark.

:beer: :beer:

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2004 03:50
by DDodge
I was able to inflict the penalty on the opponent (finally) using amic's technique on Challenge 10. Now I'm in the same quandry regarding challenge 12. Any ideas would be appreciated. :) Thanks to all for their ideas on Challenge 10.

Don D
(old sailor who was never a racer)
(merci, amic)

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2004 18:17
by amic
The exact same tactics seem to work. I was able to pen the guy by luffing him in the first leg (let him catch you and luff). Or "trap him" at the top mark (get in the zone before him and "shut the door").

Both time I used the automatic trimming mode, speed does not seem to be of the essence!

Hope this will work for you Don.
