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PostPosted: 08 Dec 2005 01:22
by sunburn
What is a locator?
It's a pointer to where a skin is stored on a server. It permits while you're racing to keep your upload bandwidth free from any skin download. They will download it directly on the web.

How can I create one?
Only those who have a personnal website (or somewhere to store file on the web) can use Locators.

- In your skin directory (for example C:\Program Files\Virtual Skipper 4\GameData\Skins\Boats\Acc), create an empty txt file.

- Rename it adding .loc to your skin name.
For example, skin "" becomes the locator ""

- Open your loc file and just write the link where your skin is stored on the web. (Dont forget http://)
For example :

Now when you use your Alinghi skin, players will download it directly at this adress instead of downloading it from your computer.

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2005 14:15
by HolidayTours
Tnx! A great tips!!

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2005 17:34
by CAN Knot
Do you know if you have to have the skin as well, or can you just use a locator file?

Will the ITBYC web server be able to handle the load if everyone links to the ITBYC skins on the ITBYC website?

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2005 18:00
by sunburn
CAN Knot wrote:Do you know if you have to have the skin as well, or can you just use a locator file?

Both locator and skin have to be in your skin folder.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2005 10:54
by euphoria
Will the ITBYC web server be able to handle the load if everyone links to the ITBYC skins on the ITBYC website?

Yes, or at least my secondary server will... For the next revision of ITBYC skins, I will add locator files, just like I did for the santa revision.


PostPosted: 16 Dec 2005 23:27
by CAN Knot
I've also noticed that if you go to the Network configuration page in the VSK launcher there is a checkbox "Auto update from locators" and a text field "Update locators from URL". Does anyone have any idea what these do? If the "auto update from locators" works the way I hope it does it could be very handy for the itbyc skins.

<s>There are santa versions of the itbyc skins?</s> Never mind... found them...

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2005 00:42
by sunburn
CAN Knot wrote:I've also noticed that if you go to the Network configuration page in the VSK launcher there is a checkbox "Auto update from locators" and a text field "Update locators from URL". Does anyone have any idea what these do? If the "auto update from locators" works the way I hope it does it could be very handy for the itbyc skins.

We ask nadeo what is it a while ago.
They didn't answer us yet...

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2005 19:24
by Kasti
Sounds great, can anybody recommend a free webhost where I could put the skins?


PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005 05:45
by compulsion
Hello all, After being around since VSK1, I have finally tracked a sight down that needs no translation. I am addicted to this as much as anyone. However, when it comes to loading and installing skins, I struggle. I could load a skin in 3 but not 4. I am told that my skin can not be seen. I can see it though. Basically, I am looking for a "VSK4 for Dummies"!

Also, I would love to obtain a personal skin that I can transfer to each hull, even the LAMA. Can I contract someone to design? Come up with a unique "Compulsion" design? Blue / Black Combo with red "STAR" imbedded in the mainsail. Kite, I need to think about that one.

Or, is building one simple enough that I could do it? Would I need to purchase software? Thanks so much and I hope to hear from someone soon!


PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005 09:27
by euphoria
Please start a new topic about skin creation, and let's keep this subject to be about locator files.


PostPosted: 21 Dec 2005 20:51
by Kasti

have been playing around with this for a bit, it does not seem to work for me. The upload still seems to be from my local PC and not from the locator. When I check out the outgoing data during the game, it seems to upload at full speed (60kB/s) to probably all opponents who dont have the skin (one after another).

Can't imagine I did something wrong with the locator file. The config settings also seem ok, "Enable locators" is checked, "Auto update from locators" is checked.

Any ideas welcome,


PostPosted: 21 Dec 2005 21:36

Check up a way registered in loc a file and a real way up to a file on a server. If your server works under OS UNIX (linux, FreeBSD, etc) check up correctness of a writing of greater and small letters and access rights to this file.

Check up a correctness of a name of a loc-file. (if you use notepad) for example should be instead of

Edited By XTREME on 1135194013

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2005 21:54
by euphoria
I was strugling with this until 3am the other night, and I have found out some interesting things. The most important thing is that VSK4 downloads are not supported by all webservers! The one I'm hosting the santa skins on is one of them, so this dind't work for any of you.


PostPosted: 21 Dec 2005 22:20
by Kasti
Could it be that the vsk4 network config could also be at fault? I had some races with a new skin (that no one has). In some of them, no upload was done, with others, it seemed to upload.

So, maybe if config "Enable locators" or "Auto update from locators" is disabled for the client that needs the skin, it goes to the skin owner and not to the locator...


Edited By Kasti on 1135196523

PostPosted: 22 Dec 2005 00:56
by euphoria
No, the webserver problem is a stand alone issue.
