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PostPosted: 12 Feb 2005 02:23
Dear friends ,

the GIVV'05 ( Giro d'Italia a Vela Virtuale ) the only event where you can race with all kind of boats is approaching again , and subscriptions are started....

your big share in first edition have made us sure we have'nt to change philosophy .... so we will get only some little changes ;
more important is a round we will play in Match Race like the real event managed by VelaItalia .... maps will not change too
( only some little upgrading ) , racing day will stay Monday and we try to anticipate at 22,30 official start .....

from links in Amicidellavela and VSKItalia , you can reach new pages of GIVV'05 where you can find all documents you
need to register and news....

and , as usual .... have fun :beer:


Racing start is espected for second half of March