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PostPosted: 12 Apr 2005 22:39
by euphoria
Post a request in this topic if you want to challenge Team France. The topic should be tracked by e-mail by their team members. (Click "Track this topic" at the bottom of this page to activate the service.)

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2005 11:33
by murphs
Australia Green wishes to challenge the French

perhaps for saturday night france time so amic can get off his butt and sail?


PostPosted: 18 Apr 2005 14:55
by sunburn
We accept the challenge chris!
For the moment we are not enough to race saturday night but it can change at anytime!
Except saturday, any other disponibility during the week?

PostPosted: 01 May 2005 11:36
by amic
Jesus guys, for once I am not only available but willing, and my Internet connexion lets me down. I had nothing between yesterday 8pm Paris time and this morning 11:30am.
I checked with my neighbors same problem, was probably a problem at the ISP.

Did you manage to race?

Very sorry about that...
