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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2005 09:21
by euphoria
Post a request in this topic if you want to challenge Team Anaconda. The topic should be tracked by e-mail by their team members, unless they visit the forum frequently. (Click "Track this topic" at the bottom of this page to activate the service.)

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2005 22:19
by texas-rose

Team sweden want too challenge you team.:cool:

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2005 23:14
by jarleror
Hey Team Sweden! :cool:
Thanks for the challenge, we are interested in a date on the "open waters".
But in these pre-christmas times its not enough hours in one day, so I think Team Anaconda is on Christmas breake...

I will not forget your request, and will post a respons when we are ready! I hope it wont be long, at the most after newyears!! :;):

Have a fantastic Christmas!! :laugh:

Best Regards from

Jarle Rørvik & Team Anaconda! :beer:

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2006 13:47
by texas-rose
Hello again

Have you got time to race this week.??
Regards Texas

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2006 21:26
by jarleror
Hi Team Sweden! :D
I have just sendt a mail to my team members, and asked them to reply quickly...
It would be fun meeting on the virtual waters this week, but I know Thursday is impossible...
I`ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Happy New Year! :cool:

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2006 21:33
by euphoria
In the meam time, start a new topic in the forum section for challenges!
This part is only for the requests.


PostPosted: 02 Jan 2006 21:49
by jarleror
A new topic in challenges is posted! :blues:

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2006 17:26
by jarleror
Team Anaconda is not ready for challenges.
This is because I as Team leader can`t reach one of my team mates. He is not responding on any of my emails, so for now I am sorry to say that we are not ready to race anyone.
I apologuise, and hope to see you on "normal" online races! :)

I will of cource post a message as soon as somethings changes, either I reach him or he is replaced. ???

Have a nice day! :)
Regards Team Anaconda :beer: