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CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2011 00:59
by Alberic

CRT did submit today a win 2-1 against BWS, but we didn't raced in VTC with vs CRT.

One BWS team raced in TL2010 against CRT, but it was not the same team and in fact BWS wasn't ITBYC /VTC member yet.

Can admins cancel this submit please?



Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2011 02:17
by euphoria

We will delete the result, though it's a manual job so please don't submit more wrong results...
Btw, you are not supposed to submit very old results.

VTC Technician

Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2011 10:34
by trapanese
Yes, crt submitted all old results yesterday.

They also submited the race against wst(and i guess all other)wich was sailed 11st of dicember, that is one month and a week of delay.
We accept the result, as it is right, but i think a time limit to submit a result should be put, for example a week, but more then a month is definately too much.


Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2011 12:17
by casino
would be interesting what the intention of crt was to submit now...

Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2011 00:38
by Kanaja
hi all,
I want answer first to casino ..
to think in bad way is always too fast .. who knows what strange mystery CRT added the points after all this time.. who know it... .... :idea:

Knowing that we hadnt in the TL our official team, we didnt care about ITYBC ranking till when we saw Team USA add the TL result of 28-11 ..
We thought then it was possible add all point.. not just the worst one.
We agree to delete all the results of the TL .. everyone, including those in the U.S. vs CRT.

No comment for the rest.

Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2011 01:06
by NuuK(Soulwave)
All TR results should be submited in the vtc-database...

Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2011 01:41
by casino
Hi Stefano, no bad thoughts by me as i know you for a long time as capt of crt.
i just wanted to know if there were any disagreements or anything else by the results, protests ect., or just not ok for the looser to have a tl result scored at vtc.
as i am sure you would never score a fake result here i wanted to know why the other teams had probs with the scoring
i was just interested in the story , you explained, so all fine.
to give the vtc ladder a serious character of a ranking pls submit all results asap.
regards, matthias

Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2011 13:29
by trapanese
Like i wrote above, i accept the result, as it is true and there are no reason for not accepting.
What i meant is that, in my opinion, a time limit to' submit should be given by rules, because it's more correct towards the loser and expecially because, without a time limit, the resuts Are sent in a wrong order so the ranking can change.


Re: CRT VTC wrong submit

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2011 15:35
by casino
due the fact how the ladder works...all results has to be submitted right after the races.
thats the reaosn for my question to Stefano:
- was the delay of submitting cause of disagreement about results?
- did he just forget to submit right after the race?

but looks like my question was misunderstood