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PostPosted: 13 Mar 2007 13:00
by euphoria
I wan't to introduce a maximum time of which the teams can remain inactive for, until they are moved below all active teams. What do you think this limit should be?

I'm thinking maybe 6 months. So if no races are actually sailed within this time, then they will be moved down the ladder if requested... Walkover losses will not count as activity of course.


PostPosted: 13 Mar 2007 15:36
by JTF
On this count... I think you can demote ITBYC USA to the bottom of the team list. We had two walkover losses and a long period of inactivity before I jumped ship to help start Team New England.

My vote would be demote a team after 6 months. I understand that removal is not desired (for db reasons).

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2007 00:16
by Skiffie
I think that's a reasonable time.

PostPosted: 13 May 2007 20:27
by HolidayTours
I think it's OK with 6 months for all except the 1:St in ladder.

For those it's not so fun to go to the bottom depending on that no one is challenge them during this time. So for the first team i suggest 9 months. Within that time someone should had challenged them if they had 6 month to do it.

Could we also get the last date for last challenge in the ranking list to? So al will se how long before they drops down :p


Edited By HolidayTours on 1179081104

PostPosted: 14 May 2007 14:48
by admiral 1
I'm thinking maybe 6 months. So if no races are actually sailed within this time, then they will be moved down the ladder if requested... Walkover

I think we can do without the "if requested" and make it manditory

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2008 18:01
by admiral 1
.. ehr i think we can now reset he whole list right?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2008 19:54
by ARK Racing
I fully support a reset of all teams.

The teams that I've seen actively racing (and I know there are more, just not out in public) are:

Team Skandia
ABNormal Team
Team Rumbilical Brothers
Team Lupidimare

That is only half of the teams entered in the biggest team race regatta going on right now. We need to get those teams involved. Right now I know we're building a nice friendship with a lot of these skippers and we look forward to racing more. How many people check these forums to see if they are being challenged? All WTRC results should also automatically be entered into VTC, and maybe as a bonus we can retroactively add the TeamLeague results.

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2008 22:02
by casino
extra dry as number 1 of ladder is ready to be challenged since months.

we are still active and waiting for some challenge request of other teams:-)

Matthias (casino) for extra dry

1) WTRC results are scored also at ITBYC ladder since 2006
2) extra dry does not take part at the Teamrace tournament going on right now because we are very unhappy about the boat the organizers choosed for this tournament. Really no sense for us to take another boat then at WTRC. RC 44 is the Teamracing boat right now. So why did they choose Transpact 52 for an international tournament?

Edited By casino on 1201464455

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008 10:45
by euphoria
FYI: The VTC ladder ranking was "cleaned up" prior to the WTRC under this priciple.
There are 16 active teams on the ladder.


PostPosted: 07 Mar 2008 23:29
by Skiffie
Harald - I think Team Old Farts has folded @ VSK-AUS. They could probably be marked as fully inactive...

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2009 13:17
by Skiffie
**BUMP** might be a good time for another tidy up prior to the WTRC?

Is it possible to hide the inactive teams from view while retaining them in the database?

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2009 17:48
by admiral 1
couldn't help noticing you just got active :)

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2009 19:00
by euphoria

Let's update the list when the WTRC entry time is due.


PostPosted: 20 Jan 2009 05:22
by Skiffie

yeah, I have been a bit quiet around here lately... work got busy for me from May last year, so I had to cut back on the lunch time browsing... now that I'm not so busy... Image