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Return of the TR: Protests

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2020 22:31
by euphoria
Race 6 - Server 1:
Protest on Ilya for not keeping clear of Mark, rule 11.
Time in replay: Overlap from 1:28. Contact 23 seconds later after a small luff from Mark.
Ilya had many chances to luff more and create bigger gap, but stayed close and even beared away a few times instead of getting out of immediate contact zone.


Re: Return of the TR: Protests

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2020 05:18
by sailgood
Race 4 - Server 1:
Sailgood protest Shuraz for not respect rule 16.1.
Time in replay: from 9.22 to 9.26 (Contact 9.26).
Between boats there was space, but, Shuraz luff hard and close space between boats, sailgood can't luff hard because of over rotate.


Re: Return of the TR: Protests

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2020 11:34
by euphoria
Here is a video from Aleksandr for the 2nd protest:

Sailgood has enough room to keep clear when the overlap is established.
Sailgood is sailing lower than Shuraz, closing the gap.
After 3 seconds of being overlapped, Shuraz makes a very small luff, and there is contact.

With such a small luff after such a long time, Shuraz is not breaking rule 16.
Sailgood put him self in a situation where he was not able to keep clear, and broke rule 11.

However, if Ilya had pushed and protested Jimi on the finish line, Jimi would have gotten a penalty...


Re: Return of the TR: Protests

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2020 14:20
by z h i k
For protest 1, imo ilya had time to keep clear on mark. Moreover, at 1:48, ilya pulls the tiller on mark, that comfort me in my decision. ilya broke rule 11

For protest 2 imo sailgood put himself in a bad situation. At the moment where shuraz is overlapped, sailgood pulls the tiller on shuraz for getting speed. Or Sailgood must keep clear. Sailgood has time to keep clear. Sailgood broke rule 11, shuraz didn't broke rule 16.1.

Alexandre, z h i k

Re: Return of the TR: Protests

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2020 12:24
by euphoria
No more comments have come, so it's time to seal the event.
I sailed race 6, but I'm not really an interested party as the score will be to the benefit of Sailgood...

Well done to Davide for winning the event!
