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TRC 2020 04 04 race05 Shuraz vs SoVa R17 vs R11

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2020 19:34
by Shura
TRC 2020 04 04 race05 Shuraz vs SoVa R17 vs R11
2 green buoy finish.

Re: TRC 2020 04 04 race05 Shuraz vs SoVa R17 vs R11

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2020 23:39
by samuel
Sova was lazy to respond luffing causing contact. shuraz is enabled to luff there, so Sova broke RRS11.


Re: TRC 2020 04 04 race05 Shuraz vs SoVa R17 vs R11

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2020 23:46
by jiel
I guess 17 was on, also I think the leeward boat is Sova under 17.
Because both boats were under the LL, Sova in luffing sailed above his proper course and broke this rule.
On the other hand, Shura tried but failed to keep clear from Sova. So Shura broke rule 11. I think there is no exanoration about that.
In my opinion : Shura P11, Sova P17.

Re: TRC 2020 04 04 race05 Shuraz vs SoVa R17 vs R11

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2020 11:07
by euphoria
Jean-Luc is right about a violation of 17 not exonerating 11.
So a pen to Shuraz under rule 11 is definite.
Sova is breaking rule 17 unless his only proper course was to tack.
This means he can luff if he has reached the 2nd layline, not the first.
It seems like he ends up on the layline after he tacked, but he started luffing before this point.
