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friday 11/12, race 1/3

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2020 22:05
by Jean-Luc Dellis
Hi All,

Jiel protested Balder in the chat for the following facts which can be watched in the attached replay :

11:51 Balder under rule 11 with Jiel leeaward, bore away once entering the zone. That is a rule 11 violation imo.
11:56 Balder luffed to finish and hitted Jiel who was himself, under rule 11 with Mac leeward. That is a rule 16.1 violation imo. Jiel received a 18.2A penalty which could not be cancelled and which Jiel repared in doing a 360 spin asap after the next incident.
12:00 Mac luffed hard to finish, broking rule 18.2A and did a 360 spin to repare.

The arrival ranking was :

1 Pap (red)
2. Balder
3. Mac
4. Jiel (red)

I ask the jury to put Balder in last position for the faults he made.

Best regards,

Re: friday 11/12, race 1/3

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2020 10:24
by euphoria
Jean-Luc Dellis wrote:Balder luffed to finish and hitted Jiel who was himself, under rule 11 with Mac leeward. That is a rule 16.1 violation imo.

Jiels has right of way, so only he can break rule 16.1.
Balder has right to room and room was given.
Balder shall keep clear, but did not keep clear and broke rule 11.

Mac luffed hard to finish, broking rule 18.2A and did a 360 spin to repare.

Mac didn't break rule 18.2(a) as he gave Jiel room to finish, but he broke rule 16.1.

Without these rules violations, Jiel would for sure have finished 3rd.
Adjusted scores:

1. RED Johnpap 1 point
2. BLUE Balder 2 + 4 = 6 points
3. RED Jiel 3 points
4. BLUE MacYavel 4 points

RED 4 points
BLUE 10 points

Red winner :-)

I have updated scoreboard.
Hope you had some great races.


Re: friday 11/12, race 1/3

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2020 13:41
by Jean-Luc Dellis
Merci Harald !

Re: friday 11/12, race 1/3

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2020 12:53
by Shura