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Rule 16.2 (and 16.1)

PostPosted: 02 Mar 2020 11:44
by euphoria

The port boat bears away to pass astern of the starboard boat.
The starboard boat luffs and moves her stern more than a boat width towards the port boat.
As a result of this, the port boat immediately has to change course to keep clear, which is what rule 16.2 defines as a violation.

There is contact by a few centimeters, which also means starboard is breaking rule 16.1.

For the record, it was me on port, Ilya on starboard.
I requested to cancel the pen and protested.
Ilya then was rude on the race chat.

After the race, I asked if he knew rule 16.2 - he said yes.
I asked him if he changed course - he said nothing.
I said that he can just tell me after a situation that he was sailing straight, and I would trust him and spin - he left the server.

Can some of the Russians teach the kid some manners?
It's often bad behaviour from him, both in the chat and the way he sails (remember the rule 2 incidents in the tournament recently).
He is throwing away a great opportunity to learn the rules.
A more humble approach would be much better for him.
