Team Racing Cup
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Random Pairs Cup
VSK5 Elo Ranking
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Random Pairs Cup

Introduction: Random Pairs Cup is a short and intensive regatta format which lasts for 2 hours. It's open for exactly 8 skippers who are doing 7 races, lasting 10 minutes each. The 8 skippers are divided on two servers doing 2 vs 2 team races. There are new team compilations for every race. At the end of the day, you will have done 7 races with 7 different team mates. And you will have raced every other skipper twice. This RPC service enables you to create your own RPC events and have race tables automatically created, with scores being updated from race to race. PS! Do not sign up to an event unless you are sure you will be present for 2 hours of racing. One no-show or drop-out ruins the event...

Latest RPC Events
Date Time Title Event Admin Entries Status
Thursday January 30th 202020:00 CETsugar and candy OPENsamuel8/8Completed
Saturday January 25th 202019:00 CETRussian Pairs Cupeuphoria8/8Completed
Monday January 20th 202021:00 EuropeTR TrainingSailgood8/8Completed
Thursday January 16th 202018:45 CETReturn of the TRSailgood8/8Completed
Sunday January 12th 202019:30 CETRPC is back :-)euphoria8/8Completed
Saturday February 11th 201221:00 CETRPC 11/02/2012ryh008/8Completed
Friday February 10th 201221:00 CETRPC 10/02/2012ryh008/8Completed
Friday January 27th 201221:00 CETFriday RPCnuuk8/8Completed
Sunday January 15th 201221:00 CETSunday RPCFix oder Nix8/8Completed
Saturday January 14th 201221:00 CETSaturday RPCFix oder Nix8/8Completed


RPC Ranking - Top 25

  Country Boat name Team Club Events Level
1 RUSPArusRUS TeamVSK Russia876%
2 NOReuphoriaNORwegianSTEAMITBYC974%
3 GERnuukNOR Steam UnionITBYC1464%
4 UKRDimitriyYacht Skipper Russia864%
5 DENminidenNOR Steam UnionITBYC663%
6 ITAtrapaneseI-War Team262%
7 GERLyrTeam extra dryITBYC361%
8 FRALG07French MagicVSK Match361%
9 DENRakosiTeam extra dryVSK Match260%
10 FRAjimiFrench MagicVSK Match460%
11 RUSPobedaVSK Fun759%
12 UKRtayfun658%
13 GERJokerVSKFunstersVSK Fun958%
14 SUIPeppinoVSKFunstersVSK Fun1057%
15 GERFix oder NixITBYC1456%
16 GBRarcTeam EuropeITBYC255%
17 POLryh00POL-VSC Drink Team255%
18 FRAz h i kFrench MagicVSK Match255%
19 GERcasinoTeam extra dryITBYC654%
20 GBRBuoyRacerEuro Stars Team Vikings153%
21 RUSAndreyEX.USSR153%
22 UKRAleks470Kozak Team153%
23 FRACousto152%
24 BULJulienEuro Stars Team Vikings952%
25 GERFlying SpiritVSK Fun GreenhornsVSK Fun351%