Race Table
RPC 10/02/2012 2012-02-10
The host is the skipper listed first on each server in the table below!
  Red Team   Blue Team
Race 1

Loop F4

Server 1 ryh00 pohuku vs sergeysail Lyr
Server 2 Dimitriy ArturPol vs Wombat Afonso
Race 2

Clamp F5

Server 1 ryh00 ArturPol vs sergeysail Afonso
Server 2 Dimitriy pohuku vs Lyr Wombat
Race 3

Round off F5

Server 1 ryh00 Wombat vs pohuku Afonso
Server 2 Dimitriy sergeysail vs Lyr ArturPol
Race 4

Straight F4

Server 1 ryh00 Lyr vs ArturPol Wombat
Server 2 Dimitriy Afonso vs pohuku sergeysail
Race 5

LoopII F5

Server 1 ryh00 sergeysail vs Dimitriy Wombat
Server 2 pohuku Lyr vs ArturPol Afonso
Race 6

Clamp F4

Server 1 ryh00 Afonso vs Dimitriy Lyr
Server 2 pohuku Wombat vs sergeysail ArturPol
Race 7

Round off F4

Server 1 ryh00 Dimitriy vs pohuku ArturPol
Server 2 sergeysail Wombat vs Lyr Afonso