Team Racing Cup
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Team Racing Cup

Event Details

Time:18:15 CET
Event admins:samuel
Event title:offi @ friends will be friends
Ranked event:Yes
Target number of races:6
Estimated event duration (hours):1.5
Event forum:For event communication and protests
Event description:#1 - there will be only 1 host, so 1 server; #2 - Only one server. 1/ First race according to the first skippers to register. Wining skippers may stay in as long as they win. 2/ Losing skippers go spec. 3/ Waiting skippers enter freely and asap to insure their spot. 4/ During the prestart any skipper may stay or leave until agreement and completude are got. 5/ If no agreement or no completude, the host relaunches the prestart and losing skippers may enter. Prestarts are relaunched until agreement, 3x3 or 2x2 is got. JL's rules
6 skippers have entered:
View the scoreboard and racetable
Race 1:New map pack - Valencia
Race 2:New map pack - marseille
Race 3:New map pack - San Francisco
Race 4:New map pack - Sydney
Race 5:New map pack - Rio
Race 6:New map pack - Tropical
Race 7:Feel free to choice 1 map per region.
Race 8:
Race 9:
Race 10:
Download the courses
Info for event admin:
  • By default, the TRC follow the rules in the relevant sections of the VTC SI.
  • Any changes to these rules should be posted in the event description.
  • Make sure you choose courses that only last for apprx. 10 minutes, if you have many races to complete.
  • Upload the courses in the forum if they are not avialable elsewhere and you need more hosts.
  • Do an effort to get skippers to sign up for the event.
  • Submit results right after each race. Click the protest button if someone may protest.
  • Info for hosts:
  • Pay attention to what races you will host, and make sure you have downloaded the courses.
  • Make sure to wear the right skin color (red) before hosting...
  • Put up the race as soon as possible when you are supposed to host, and select courses in correct order.
  • Race name should include TRC and the server number.
  • Race password should be trc.
  • Info for all:
  • First of all, be efficient! On an event with 8 skippers, each will do 7 races and there will be many changes of skins and servers.
  • The event is only as fast as the slowest skipper, so make sure you are not the skipper that delays the event.
  • Right after finishing a race, check the scoreboard where you will be next and go there asap, with the right skin...
  • Dont discuss protests between races, but discuss them after all the races are done.
  • If you don't agree on a protest or don't have time to discuss right after racing, post the protest in the forum.
  • The protest time limit is 24 hours after the last race has finished.
  • If a boat lose a protest, the team will have 6 points added the score. In case of a tie on points, the team without 1st place win.