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Team Racing Cup

ranked @ Bohemian Rhapsody 2020-04-14

Ranking Country Boatname Races Wins Losses Ratio
1 FRA LG07 7 4 3 57%
2 NOR euphoria 5 3 2 60%
3 RUS Shuraz 7 3 4 43%
4 RUS SoVa 3 2 1 67%
4 BRA samuel 3 2 1 67%
4 NOR Balder 3 2 1 67%
4 ESP Carly M@ster 3 2 1 67%
8 FRA Mac Yavel 1 1 0 100%
9 ITA donmasino 4 1 3 25%
10 GRE Galaxy 1 0 1 0%
10 ITA fabri101 1 0 1 0%
12 ITA ObeMoon 2 0 2 0%
Race Table
Race Course Red Team Winner Blue Team
1Marseille euphoria Shuraz
samuel LG07
2Rio euphoria donmasino Shuraz
samuel Carly M@ster LG07
3Tropical euphoria Carly M@ster donmasino
Mac Yavel Shuraz LG07
4Valencia euphoria Carly M@ster LG07
Shuraz Galaxy donmasino
5host decide euphoria SoVa Balder
LG07 fabri101 Shuraz
6host decide SoVa donmasino Shuraz
LG07 ObeMoon Balder
7host decide SoVa ObeMoon Shuraz
samuel Balder LG07
8Sydnei euphoria samuel Galaxy
donmasino Shuraz LG07
9 euphoria samuel donmasino
Galaxy Shuraz LG07
10 euphoria samuel LG07
Galaxy donmasino Shuraz
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