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Team Racing Cup

ranked @ L da Vinci 2020-04-27

Ranking Country Boatname Races Wins Losses Ratio
1 RUS SoVa 6 5 1 83%
2 RUS Shuraz 6 4 2 67%
2 BRA samuel 6 4 2 67%
4 FRA jiel 5 2 3 40%
5 FRA LG07 6 2 4 33%
6 ITA donmasino 5 1 4 20%
7 ESP wmr1 2 0 2 0%
Race Table
Race Course Red Team Winner Blue Team
1 jiel Shuraz SoVa
samuel donmasino LG07
2 jiel LG07 SoVa
samuel donmasino Shuraz
3 jiel samuel donmasino
Shuraz LG07 SoVa
4 jiel samuel SoVa
donmasino Shuraz LG07
5 wmr1 donmasino Shuraz
samuel LG07 SoVa
6 jiel wmr1 LG07
samuel Shuraz SoVa
7 jiel Shuraz LG07
samuel donmasino SoVa
8 jiel samuel Shuraz
donmasino LG07 SoVa
9 jiel samuel LG07
donmasino Shuraz SoVa
10 jiel donmasino SoVa
samuel Shuraz LG07
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