Pen and 60 secs

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby CAN Knot » 17 Jun 2007 20:06

What I do not understand here is that you cannot understand the problem I have at all.

I do understand, but as long as rule 44 is enforced by a simple timer there will always be a trade off between problems with not enough time and problems with people abusing the available time. Sixty seconds is already too long for small fleets and 90 seconds would be worse.

There will always be idiots that try to do their penalty turns in the middle of the fleet (and sometimes it turns out that I am that idiot), but for the most part I think that is because they are idiots not because they are worried about running out of time. What I do see alot of is people with penalties pending that are clear but still not starting their penalty turn. They may not be trying to pen another boat they are usually just trying to get to a better position before starting their penalty rather than starting it as soon as possible.

Maybe Nadeo should actually shorten the timer to 15-30 seconds (say) but stop the timer if a boat has their sails eased out. Then a boat can take an infinite amount of time to get clear as long as the sails are eased, and once they are clear they can sheet in, the timer starts again, and they can begin their turn. This would address the abuse problem as the time limit is shorter and there is only so much "abuse" someone could do with their sails eased out. And people that are honestly trying to get clear of a big clump of boats would have the time they need to do so.

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Postby HolidayTours » 19 Jun 2007 10:55

I agree and disagree with all of you.

I know the most of you newer or not so often is in the middle of a big fleet (18-25 boats). So maybe you should try it sometimes and see what we had to deal with ;-) Its small rooms and not always so easy to count out how long a tale of a boat will retch (if it will hit you). And big sails from boats from behind in your eyes ;-) So you don’t even see the tail. Even with transparent default sail.

I have also been in the situations several times that I can’t get clear within the timeslimit. As Aquabat say. Drop spin and get clear take times DW. Specially if you get the pen direct after you have hit the spin bottom. Then you had to wait to it raise before you can drop it and shift sail again. Then you don’t have much of your 60 sek. left… Even if you starts to act during the change. And the ACC slow werry slow if you erase your sail DW.
I have, indeed, also not bee able to get clear UW !! When I erase my sail with 6 boats around me. OK I then let 10-15 sek go before I realised that I get a pen but anyway.

And you say, Harald, that the turns starts to counts as soon as you start gybe or luff. Yes maybe. But not always (as Skiffie pointed out). And it stop and go back if you stop your turn and go strait forward (back to centre) to avoid a other boat (ho maybe also have a pen and try to get space). I agree if you drop the angel of the turn that it continue. But even then it can stop sometimes. And I had, as max, had to do 5 x 360 to clear a 2 pens penalty.

And you also have the fact that Skiffie point out. Then you don’t always had to do a 360 turn. Raider a 500 – 720 deg. Turn (360 + 150-180+ deg back to your headding). And then you spend more time to spin and let boats from behind catch you up ho you also had to give room and try to avoid (whitch you don’t reserved time for at starts because you don’t expect the extra 150-180 deg. Of spin). “ 20.2 A boat making a penalty turn shall keep clear of one that is not.”

And I don’t agree that 90 sek should lead to more abuse as you said, Can Knot. OK, that some should wait some more sek. to do there pens. But it should give us ho try to do them ASAP more time to awoid caos in the fleet.

So maybe the solutions is to split the timelimit. 60 sek UW and 90 sek DW to avoid the trouble we spoke about.


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Postby Aquabat » 06 Jul 2007 00:25

Ok Boys ...

I have a replay .. where

1) it was a wrong pen (i think)

2) there was no time for me to complete the turn ( i think)

3) an extra 30 secs would have made it possible to turn (i think)

Anyone like to look at it and comment ?

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Postby admiral 1 » 09 Jul 2007 09:30

Drop spin and get clear take times DW. Specially if you get the pen direct after you have hit the spin bottom. Then you had to wait to it raise before you can drop it and shift sail again. Then you don’t have much of your 60 sek. left…

If you click the button for the sail that was set previously, after hitting the spin button. The spinaker setting is canceled and the previous sail is set. Canceling the sail setting is possible untill the head of the sail reaches the top of the mast. Canceling is only possible by returning to the previous sail.
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