Kamikaze - No rules level

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby admiral 1 » 09 Jan 2001 15:27

I really would like to get rid of the vsk-rules vsk penalties etc.
1. The game engine can be a whole lot smaller
2. Less data to be transmitted (=less lag :))
Ofcourse skippers would have to be gentleman and know the rules a bit. Judgement would be like in GOLF, or like I suggested in the other topic here, 2 skippers would have to drive a motorboat around an act as jurors.
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."

( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006 volvooceanrace.org)
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Postby CAN uck » 09 Jan 2001 16:06

Does beginner mode begin to approximate this? I know penalties are not awarded but I am not sure if the game continues to use all the resources it normally needs assuming penalties were to be given.

Has anyone ever tried to run in beginner mode at a bad lag time to see if the game operates any better?

But I agree a stripped down version could be very useful for the ITBYC, assuming it would gain us better operating characteristics.

If this provided a lot of server "potential" we might be able to use a program like Roger Wilco and talk while sailing. This certainly works well in Flight Simulator.

(Edited by CAN uck at 2:11 pm on Jan. 9, 2001)

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Postby admiral 1 » 09 Jan 2001 16:33

The level's in vsk have to do with giving penalties/forgiveness and the agressivness of the computer oposition. I think we will have to try and do some sailing for beginners. :biggrin:
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."

( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006 volvooceanrace.org)
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Postby RNZYS » 10 Jan 2001 11:55

Having 2 skippers running around in a motorboat would be much more resource hungry, surely. As nearly all of my "real" races are sailed without on-the-water judges, I see no reason for them here! If the VSK pens were accurate to the rules and ROW boats did not stop dead, it would be nice... but that is not the case. "Beginner" mode does give pens, but very infrequently. Maybe we could trial this, and the word "protest" must be typed at the time of the incident. There would be an ITBYC Protest Committee to hear the protest and their decision is final! Witnesses could be called just as in a real hearing. Maybe VSK2 could have short keys for "protest" and "room" and "starboard" and "room to tack" etc

The protest panel's decision would state the facts found and their decision based on those facts. This would provide a great model for other skippers to learn the application of the rules in actual situations

(Edited by RNZYS at 11:04 pm on Jan. 10, 2001)
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Postby admiral 1 » 10 Jan 2001 12:18

Lets call it the pro level.
1. No rule implications (just a start signal and finishing positions)
2. Shortcuts for hailing Starboard, Overlap, You tack, I tack, Room, Protest, Luff and X&$§@ !! (for cursing so no bad language needs to be used :) )
It would need a webboard for protest commitee. ( ITBYCwould have its own ofcourse)
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."

( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006 volvooceanrace.org)
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Postby RNZYS » 11 Jan 2001 15:33

Why not just use a chat room for protest hearings? With restricted access of course!
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Postby No Match » 22 Jan 2001 20:34

I don't like this idea at all. To me the employment of such a no rules mode, is the same as giving in to the kamikazies :hippie: that will do just anything to take line honours.
Having constraints that curbs the ego somewhat and learn one to behave in a way that avoid conflict is a natural part of life.
Besides the suggestion of after race discussions on who did what reminds me of the one and only thing I hate about racing on real waters. Namely the damned petty protest hearings:v-sad:.
And lastly, the idea that the ROW and penalty calculations should be among the worst sources of lag in the software I must say I find somewhat amusing:biggrin:.
That shouldn't constitute anything more than some very simple trigonometry and vector analysis. A vector adition or projection here, and a cosinus or sinus calculation there and the like.
The wave and weather mathematics I think are a much greater trouble source as regards lag. That you have lag ferries doesn't mean that the ferries are the source of the lag:rolleyes:.
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[b]Jens aka No Match
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Postby essie » 23 Jan 2001 05:04

Ferries and lag - The sub in SF is not subject to lag ghosting. Could this be due in part to the sub's linear course? All other lag infested bastards (Hover and Ferry) run a non linear course, much easier calcs in the straight sub routes. What do you think?

(Edited by essie at 10:05 pm on Jan. 22, 2001)
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Postby admiral 1 » 23 Jan 2001 10:24


all I propose is a level where the vsk ruling is shut off.
Ofcourse you still could switch it on and sail under vsk ruling against skippers that need those.

I agree with you on the petty committee hearings. I always dropped my protests as soon as we hit the shore and could talk things over with the offenders.

As for penalty zones, proximity parameters etc. I argue that as long as positions and vectors cannot be syncronized accuratly lag will still cause unjust penalties to be given.
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."

( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006 volvooceanrace.org)
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Postby 74-1007195907 » 04 Mar 2001 17:15

What a great idea, having a "no rules" mode. However, we must remember that an HONOR system only works with HONORABLE people. And, as far as subs, ferries, and other unrealistic "moving obstructions," why not just get rid of them all!?

Postby admiral 1 » 04 Mar 2001 21:06

:) absolutly right. All we need is a plain stretch of water and some weather.
The not so honorable could be penalised in a hearing afterwards. I have done enough real racing where the comittee was beyond the horizon.. so it should workout fine
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."

( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006 volvooceanrace.org)
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Postby Bifrosty » 05 Mar 2001 15:52

we should try a few races next saturday - with no vsk rules (beginner mode) but stb-row-room-protest-accepted-declined on the alt-# keys:)

of course sailing by the ISAF rules...

that sure would create quite a buzz in the chat room afterwards:v-tongue:
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Postby admiral 1 » 05 Mar 2001 19:44

to think of it. When this "no rules" is implicated it needs a kind of recording / play-back function. Shouldn't be to much of a hassle since the data is pushed over the net anyway, might as well save it for later use. Like evidence in a public hearing :biggrin: could a packet sniffer be usefull here? :biggrin: biggrin:
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."

( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006 volvooceanrace.org)
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Postby No Match » 07 Mar 2001 19:41

Had a long reply to a suggestion I made on vsk2@dunet.com about penalty triggering from one of the guys in the VSK-development team. There apparently will be a manually activated procedure for triggering of penalties by evasive manouvres for boats with ROW in VSK-2
Well, cheers! :beer:
[b]Best regards:
[b]Jens aka No Match
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