Predefined alert keys

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby euphoria » 11 Jan 2001 17:42

It should be possible to hit alt+(1-9) to shout "Starboard", "Room" etc. and we should be able to define and save such sentences.

Very few of us knows that this feature allready excists :), though without any predefined variables or the ability to save them. Just enter a chat line, and instead of hitting enter, hit alt+1 (or 2-9). The line will be sent, and saved under that key. To send it again, just hit alt+1 (or 2-9).
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Postby Guest » 11 Jan 2001 21:02

I didn' tknow that! Great news, i will try next time. This will save a lot of time! (can be used for :beer:) :;)
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Postby No Match » 14 Jan 2001 00:52

Those predefined chat-lines I think could best be administered and edited through the options menu of the game. Having to edit them during the heat of a race, is not a good user interface.
[b]Best regards:
[b]Jens aka No Match
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Postby RNZYS » 14 Jan 2001 09:09

hahaha.. they all thought Kiwis were mad when Team NZ and I started saying "Starboard" and "Room" and "Room to Tack" and "Up Up Up" during the prestart, before the count had started even. :)
The others didnt realise we were setting up the hot keys

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Postby euphoria » 14 Jan 2001 19:40

Yes, but they were definatly right!
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Postby arc » 30 Jul 2004 03:48

The hail, simple but effective for all to realise their relationship with others and may assist in rule understanding.

I think that there could be an autohail option to vsk and or single hit keys could be identified for the standard hails.

An advantage would be to hear the hail in the skippers language of choice, perhaps with visual confirmation the raise of a protest flag, or a speach bubble, or just a visual sound wave eminating from the hail.

Any other support for the same, alternatives, or negatives? ??????
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Postby Skiffie » 26 Aug 2004 13:39

I think it is a good feature to have programmed in to the main software rather than having people think you're mad while defining the alt(1-9) text lines!

Now, which ones to choose?
Mark (Skiffie)
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