Not even a good rumor about a new patch? - Not getting that warm and fuzzy feeling

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby Apeboy » 11 Apr 2003 19:42

I've had VSK2 for a few weeks now. I really enjoy it but there are a few bugs, mostly with rule implementation and pens, that would be nice to have resolved. Graphically I would like to have a better representation of wind action (or lack thereof) on higher water detail settings.

I check the Duran boards regularly and see little or no input from Duran. Does anyone know if Duran has made any statement what so ever concerning future support in the form of patches? The only rumor I've come across came from a fansite that stated Duran is getting out of the sim/game business all together. ???

-I'm just the monkey, you're gonna have to talk to the grinder.
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Joined: 27 Feb 2003 00:13
Location: SC  US

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