Team Denmark

Post in these topics if you want to challenge a team.

Moderator: VTC Race Committee

Postby euphoria » 17 Mar 2005 11:19

Post a request in this topic if you want to challenge Team Denmark.
(The topic will be tracked by e-mail by team members of Team Denmark.)
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Postby euphoria » 17 Mar 2005 11:34

Union of 2005 hereby request to challenge Team Denmark. We have suffered alot from Denmark through out the years. Now it's time to make up for it!

Team Denmark may accept this request right away, or wait until next thursday for a forced acceptance. No other teams can get priority (ref SI article 2.3.6), so what are you waiting for? :;):

Harald :beer:
Harald the Horrible
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Postby casino » 05 Apr 2005 23:06

Hello Team Denmark.
Team extra dry would like to challenge your Team Denmark for a match. If the challenge is accepted we will start a new topic for match details.
see you on the water
Regards Matthias (casino)
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Postby DK_MOMO » 06 Apr 2005 07:59

Hello Team extra dry

We rdy here..

Lets find a day to race :p

Cu Tommy :beer:
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Postby casino » 06 Apr 2005 09:58

Hi Team Denmark
Ok fine, when will it be possible for you?
Best for us next Tue or Wed, but if you want maybe earlier.
Best time for us is from 9 in the evenning with open end...
Regards Matthias (casino)
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Postby DK_MOMO » 06 Apr 2005 13:17

Hi again

Lets say next Tue d.12/04 21:00

Regards Tommy
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Postby Skorpa » 06 Apr 2005 15:05

This is not my tree, but you should open a new topic for this in the "Challenges" topic :;): .
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Postby casino » 06 Apr 2005 16:21

A new topic for match details is open in "challenges"
Regards Matthias (casino)
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Postby Kwasi » 19 Apr 2005 20:14

GermanyOne herewith is requesting Team Denmark!

Hello friends! We wait until you finished your challenge against Team Extra Dry...

After we soon publish possible Racetimes, but it probably won't differ a lot from yours.

:beer: :beer: :beer:
Cheers, Nick
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Postby Skorpa » 19 May 2005 02:08

Team Europe would like to challenge your team. We're trying to climb a step in the ladder :p .
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Postby euphoria » 26 May 2005 14:05

Team Europe can claim victory in the "fight" to challenge Team Denmark... It seems like the team coordinator is absent. Can Anders, Allan, Finn or Niels take the responsibility to find a time to race Team Europe and gather a team?

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Postby STEELVIKING » 04 Jun 2005 13:46

Sorry guys but my team suks my team mates dont reply on my mails they are racing on the real sea cant do mutch abaut it:(
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Postby abracadabra » 15 Jun 2005 14:02

team friends in the wind would like to challenge your team,if you accept post new topic in challenge
regards max
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Postby DK_MOMO » 16 Jun 2005 08:10

Hi team friends in the wind

Lets do a match We rdy

Regards Tommy / DK_MOMO
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Postby abracadabra » 16 Jun 2005 13:16

ok you open a new topic and tell me when you are free.
we can to play all days after 22,45 cet, without saturday and tusday
regards max

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