OnDe Rock's I-Team

Use this forum if you want to register a team, change team information or if you want to look for other skippers to create a team.

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OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby Vale » 04 Jan 2007 00:06

Hello guys ,

Ok we would like to try this challenge....

Our Team is " I-team" , for the moment the crew is Grame ( leader ) , Jacopo ( co-leader) , Giangio , Simone, Lorenzo , IlMostro , Skyppyno ... but I think very soon ( after alchoolic dreams will be stopped ) some other skippers will join this team ... do you think it will be possible to add some skippers again ?

Ok ... another little question ... here is Skyppyno writing , but with a new account "vale" why my old account "Skyppyno" seems not working ...it could be possible to re-healing my old account ???

Good 2007 , good wind , and .... don't run too much .. :p

...you need mailboxes of leaders ????

... così è se ,vi pare ...
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Postby euphoria » 04 Jan 2007 11:25

Welcome. I've created your database entry at VTC. You should now tell your team members to sign up in the team database, and select your team there:

Remind them that they have to look for an email with confirmation instructions...

A challenge request thread for your team has also been opened. All team admins should monitor this topic for new challenge request. Click here (if you are logged in) to receive email everytime someone want to challenge your team:

do you think it will be possible to add some skippers again

That is no problem. Just post new skippers names here, and tell them to register in the database.

here is Skyppyno writing , but with a new account "vale" why my old account "Skyppyno" seems not working ...it could be possible to re-healing my old account

Hmm, you sent me a PM with your Skyppyno account before x-mas, and for what I see, it should still be working. Did you forget your password?

you need mailboxes of leaders

We don't have leaders, but we do have mail boxes :;):. We just don't show them in public to avoid spam... If you wan't to contact someone in general at ITBYC, use the contact form on the about-page. When you have registered at the VTC database, you can also send e-mail to any VTC-member (which includes all ITBYC members) directly from their profile pages.

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Postby Vale » 08 Jan 2007 15:58

OK Harald , I will post you about my problems in PM

Two new I-Team members are "Ugone" and "Magellano"...

c ya soon

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Postby Vale » 12 Jan 2007 03:43

Just another little problem Harald ,

grame tried 2 times to register , but he didn't receive the mail with activation link ....

Can you see if he appears in new entry list in the forum ?



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Postby Vale » 12 Jan 2007 10:33

Ok , ok ... all right

grame is registered .. :;):

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Postby Sao Bernardo » 03 May 2007 03:10

Hi i would like to know if it's possible to join your team! thanks
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OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby orcaloca » 13 Feb 2010 23:55

We would like to enter a new team:

OnDe Rock's I-Team

The skippers are:

Simone (Cap)
Orca l'oca (v. cap)
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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby euphoria » 16 Feb 2010 18:24

Hi Luca,

This team is basically identical to I-Team Draghi. I guess it would be better to rename this team to OnDe Rock's I-Team?

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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby Simone » 19 Feb 2010 11:54

Hi Harald,

yes, it's ok to rename the I-Team Draghi.


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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby euphoria » 20 Feb 2010 19:00

Thanks, done.
The last 4 members register to the team also here:

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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby SKYPPYNO » 24 Jan 2011 00:43

I remember ( I think ) I asked for a change in Club Name.

Really VSKItalia has not any team , VSKItalia is a support generic portal.

The Club is "I-Team" and the virtual house of I-Team is http://www.vsksailing.it

Could you change this ?


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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby SKYPPYNO » 24 Jan 2011 00:52

I saw the reference website for the team is correct ... so it could be sufficient to substitute VSKITALIA with I-Team.

Another thing : I'm not registered with any team ... ( strange ) and the administrator ( Orcaloca ) of OnDe Rock doesn't find me to carry in.

What I have to do ?

I have problem to reach my account to ... in login form I should write Nickname = Skyppyno and Password = xxxx ( new one obtained )

System answer error in query ; I see my account in Forum is SKYPPYNO ( all Uppercase ) , but in VTC is Skyppyno ... I cannot insert the nick Skyppyno because the form changes it in SKYPPYNO.
Strande thing ... in Visubox I am logged in as Skyppyno ... :shock:


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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby euphoria » 28 Jan 2011 12:04

Hi Pino,

There was a few requests here, let me see if I have understood right:

1. You want all 29 skippers currently listed as being members of VSK Italia to be members of I-Team instead?

2. For your team entry, you have to login to your account and edit your profile to choose that team. Team admin can't approve members who have not done this first. You are currently listed with Ghost Challenge, but no longer approved by team admin as team member.

3. Your username is Skyppyno, yes. It must be a problem with your local browser with auto form filling if it changes to SKYPPYNO. If you want, I can change your username to SKYPPYNO.

4. You may appear in the visubox without loggin in, if you have an old visubox cookie in your browser from a login long time ago.

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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby SKYPPYNO » 01 Feb 2011 16:13

1. You want all 29 skippers currently listed as being members of VSK Italia to be members of I-Team instead?

Yes , correct. Really in VSKitalia there are a lot of teams ( Warriors , vskipper, GWALL , etc ...)

2. For your team entry, you have to login to your account and edit your profile to choose that team. Team admin can't approve members who have not done this first. You are currently listed with Ghost Challenge, but no longer approved by team admin as team member.

3. Your username is Skyppyno, yes. It must be a problem with your local browser with auto form filling if it changes to SKYPPYNO. If you want, I can change your username to SKYPPYNO.

4. You may appear in the visubox without loggin in, if you have an old visubox cookie in your browser from a login long time ago.

I think if I will be able to do Login , i should solve everything ... so if you can change Skyppyno into SKYPPYNO ( this is the nick in the ITBYC forum too ) I think I shouldn't have further problems.


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Re: OnDe Rock's I-Team

Postby euphoria » 01 Feb 2011 18:13

Username changed to SKYPPYNO, hope it solves your login problem.

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