by admiral 1 » 15 Feb 2011 15:51
In lieu of SI 1.3 The team will eventually be split in sub-teams.
As of February 15th 2011
Team Europe GER
Fix oder Nix - Alex (admin), GER (member pre 2009)
Peter~SYC87 - Peter, GER
Henry DYC - Henry, GER
Team Europe NL
Admiral- Theo (admin) , NL (member pre 2009)
Team Europe UK
Arc - Paul (admin), UK (member pre 2009)
Aquabat - Rob, UK (member pre 2009)
Team Europe unasigned
caxa, Cid, BRA (member pre 2009)
Note on elligibillity
Team Europe (GER) is elligible to sail only in a line up with
- two GER skipper and only ONE pre 2009 member that has not sailed for any other team (NL, UK) in the context of the VTC
- 3 GER skipper
Team Europe with all assigned mebers will continue as Team Europe (GER) until the registration of further sub-teams becomes feasible.
Challenges issued to Team Europe until further notice will be answered by Team Europe (GER) occasionally augmented by one pre 2009 members.
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral
"As far as I can remember, there aren't a lot of points of land or holidays named after people who sat at home and criticized Christopher Columbus."
( Paul Cayard, from the Pirates base, in an e-mail to race HQ. 25 Jan 2006