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Postby Fix oder Nix » 16 Jan 2012 12:31

Race addition :

We had 4 open Protests, only one from then could be solved. This was the Protest from Race 3 Server 1 Peppino vs. Dimitry for the reason that Peppino wouldn't Protest.
We found no solution for Protest 1, 2 & 4
Cheers and CU,

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Postby casino » 16 Jan 2012 16:01

to race 2 server 2 Nuuk/Peppino vs. Dmitriy/Joker

1st sit: 11 to Dmitriy
2nd sit: not sure
3rd: pretty clear 18,2, i really would like hear the reason for cancelling this pen.

@Dmitriy: maybe you should think about your pens/protests. The way you act at a RPC is not really funny for the rest.
Some basic rules were ignored by you several times (on saturday and sunday).
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Postby euphoria » 16 Jan 2012 16:43

I, as Chief Ump, will not look at protests that are not mediated properly.
These will go in dis favour of the teams who have not responded to the other teams points.

Dimitry, for you this means you have to consider contact on the pens for 11 and 18, as I told you in the chat last night. If you still mean that you did not break any rule, dispite the fact that there was contact, then you have to explain why.

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Postby Fix oder Nix » 16 Jan 2012 18:04

Joker wrote:R1 Endeavour vs. Fix oder NIx

replay time: 3:22

Fix oder Nix tacked clear before Endeavour. There is much space between Fix oder Nix and Peppino after Fox oder NIx's tack.

On TS you told me, that in case of Chat Lag he did not realized my RTT Hail, right ? otherwise he would react earlier, right ?

Joker wrote:Fix oder Nix hailed rtt and Endeavour did not write anything like "You tack".
So, Fix oder Nix did not wait for Endeavour's answer. ---> 20.1(b)(c)

True, Endeavour did nothing, why ?

Joker wrote:Fix oder Nix tacked very early and creates contact with Endeavour.
Fix oder Nix had the possibility to duck and was not compelled to tack, imo, because there is still lots of room to react for Fix oder Nix.
He did not give Endeavour room to keep clear. ---> 15

Isn´t true, on the >>> Video <<< you can see, That not my Tack created the Contact, it was the Tack from Eandavour, who initialized his tack after me. If he would not have Tacked, nothing would happened, but he try to stay in control over me, what in the end forced the contact.

Joker wrote:I dont know, if rtt-hail was in time. from my point of view, it was not, but don't have anything to proof it.

Ok, the Screenshot show, how much distance is there between me and Peppino.

So imo you have no Prove, you put only on assertions and i have to defend all that... strange direction ;)
Cheers and CU,

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Postby Joker » 16 Jan 2012 20:15

On TS you told me, that in case of Chat Lag he did not realized my RTT Hail, right ? otherwise he would react earlier, right ?

No, i didn't tell you that. However, I don't see your point!?

True, Endeavour did nothing, why ?

He tacked, from my camera view in the race in time, as responds of your hail.

sn´t true, on the >>> Video <<< you can see, That not my Tack created the Contact, it was the Tack from Eandavour, who initialized his tack after me. If he would not have Tacked, nothing would happened, but he try to stay in control over me, what in the end forced the contact.

Endeavour tried to keep clear of you.
You cannot see in this situation, if Endeavour can go in front of your bow or not. ---> In dubio pro Endeavour

So it was your tack, which didn't give Endeavour room to keep clear, and your maneuvre created the contact.

Ok, the Screenshot show, how much distance is there between me and Peppino.

So imo you have no Prove, you put only on assertions and i have to defend all that... strange direction ;)

OK, I see there is much distance between you and Peppino on the screenie.
But look at the replay, when and where is your tack? I don't think that there is so much time between your screenie and your tack, that Endeavour can respond.
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Postby Fix oder Nix » 16 Jan 2012 20:48

To get the facts together....

Your Teammate, need more then 3 seconds for a respond or a Tack ( He or you told me on TS that he probably had Chatlag ) but at that moment, i tacked he can respond immediately and tack over me. And now you tell me that he trie to keep clear from me ? By tacking ahead of me ?
Joker wrote:Endeavour tried to keep clear of you.
You cannot see in this situation, if Endeavour can go in front of your bow or not

Can you explain me, how i could kept clear if he initialize his Tack after i tacked ?

Joker wrote: In dubio pro Endeavour

hmmm i thought it called in dubio pro reo, in this case i am the "reo" because you protest against me, as i said with no prove´s and only with assertions. And finally by stating that your team member has seen nothing, had no time to react and if they doubt there are also interpreted in his favor. I hope we can stop the mediation here, because this kind of interpretation makes me sad.

Dear RPC Chief Umpire, can we stop mediation here ? it seems we find and will not find a solution
Cheers and CU,

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Postby Joker » 16 Jan 2012 23:28

First of all we forget the hail.

you luff, then you tack, Endeavour responds by luffing,then Endeavour tacks. ---> Endeavour did his best to keep clear
Endeavour was compelled to tack in order to keeping clear. Endeavour breaks RRS13 but is exonerats by 64.1(c). Fix oder Nix breaks RRS 13.

Now the your hail. Maybe it was in time or not. Even if your hail was in time and Endeavour would be disqualified by 20.1(b)the question is:

Were you compelled to tack or did you have more space to wait for your tack or the chance to duck in the worst case?
You are only entitled to room here only if Endeavour tacks or write "you tack". You tacked before waiting any responds from Endeavour.
So you cannot be exonerated by 20.2 ---> Fix oder Nix breaks RRS 13

In dubio pro Endeavour

Read all sentences again and you know the context.
BTW: Your screenshot as proof is my proof as well. It's a thing of interpretation.

this kind of interpretation makes me sad.

pls don't use such arrogant tone on the opposite to the other party. Such words makes me sad.
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Postby Fix oder Nix » 17 Jan 2012 01:32

Joker wrote:First of all we forget the hail.

Ok, lets start this way !
Joker wrote:you luff, then you tack, Endeavour responds by luffing,then Endeavour tacks. ---> Endeavour did his best to keep clear

witch definition of Keep clear you mean here ?? If he would not Tack, there would be no contact !!!

Joker wrote:Endeavour was compelled to tack in order to keeping clear.

aha... thought we forget the hail... so in that case i have only the right, to luff head to wind. And why Endeavour tacks then ? i guess now you will answer, to respect Rule 14
Tacking was not the best choice to keep clear. If he would not tacked and i hit him, i agree with you a simple 15 for me ( if we forget my RTT hail ) But it seems you will, we forget my hail only in your direction of defense ;)

Fix oder Nix wrote:this kind of interpretation makes me sad.

Joker wrote:pls don't use such arrogant tone on the opposite to the other party. Such words makes me sad.

Disagree with arrogant, but i agree that it is the wrong word. Probably angry is better.

Niklas, may we lose the Focus on that what is really happened and not what we wish could happened.

Fact is that i hailed RTT !
Fact is that there was Time for Endeavour to respond or react.
Fact is, if Endeavour would not have tacked that there would be no contact.
Fact is that Carsten / Endeavour said to me in TS that he may had Chatlag
Fact is finally that the >>> VIDEO <<< ( please watch it ;) ) show, that there was no need to Tack ( specially as long he could not see my Hail, in fact of Chat Lag ) The only reason to Tack was, to stay on, controlling me.

I am pretty sure, that we both showed more then needed, our opinions, you could not convince me and it seems to me that i could not convinced you.
So, lets stop here the mediation and wait for that what the jury decide
Cheers and CU,

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Postby euphoria » 17 Jan 2012 01:43

NuuK(Soulwave) wrote:Server 2 race 2, we (red) have 3 Protests:

1.) 5:43, canceled 11 from dimitry
2.) 8: 25 is a 16.1 in our opinion. nuuk did the bestr to keep clear, I couldnt do more
3.) 9:57 dimitry cancled a right 18.2


Dimitry, can you have a closer look on the situation and give your input?
Cheers, Holger

There has been no proper mediation for this protest.
The only argument from dimitry was that there was no contact.
However the SI says that it shall be considered that contact was made for these vsk calls.

Red won race 22.

Dmitriy wrote:Rc-Skipper Cancel 11 on 12:15 replay

Please write what race it's about.
I assume it's race 72.
I see no replay.
Next time upload. Luckily I was spec, so I have parts of the race in autosave.
No mediation by RC, so normally protest decided through this.
But RC skipper took a penalty turn asap while getting control of the boat, so protest dismissed.

Blue won race 72.

Fix oder Nix wrote:Defense for Protest from Team Blue in Race 1 Server 1
Imo there was a plenty of time to react for Eandavour, and my 16.1 should be exonerated.

If you see the Screenshot, where i hail RTT, there we are with comfortable distance to the obstruction, if you follow then the video you will see as well, that i have not tacked immediately. But in that moment as i tacked to avoid the obstruction, Endeavour is able to react immediately and forced the contact.

Fix started his tacking maneuver just over 1 sec after he hailed RTT. This is not enough time to let Endavour respond.

Fix broke rule 20 and have 4 points added to his score.

Blue won race 11.

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