FreeDom #2 race 3

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FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby samuel » 09 Apr 2020 12:52

Hi about last night i protest Wmr1 (Antonio)

I think the case is simples:

sam windward with wmr1 leeward
- wmr1 bear dow and jibe to escape sam
-sam tack and do a 270 to be on startboard.
-sam goes into wmr
-wmr1 just force a situation with port side to get away my starboard.
-This is like match race, sam gave wmr1 a chance to bear but clearly refused by wmr1 breaking RRS 10.

replay time : 12:40 (final last leg)
Rio Loop Port 38°(01'01''93)r3 tr dia 8.Replay.Gbx
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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby Shura » 09 Apr 2020 14:00

TRC 2020 04 08 race 03 Sam vs WMR1
Leo Tolstoy in my years did not write this.
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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby jiel » 09 Apr 2020 18:10

Hi sam. I was not sailing this race.
Its not so clear in my opinion. When you acquired row in tacking STB, WM is indeed under 10 but you must give him room to keep clear under rule 15 and also rule 16 because you almost continously changed course in such a way WM could do nothing to escape.
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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby samuel » 09 Apr 2020 18:17

i think the best way to wmr1 to keep clear is bear down
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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby euphoria » 09 Apr 2020 22:36

When you gybe to starboard, then best way to keep clear is going up, which he does.
Then you point at him and he can no longer go up, and he has to go down, which he does.
He could have gone further down, the last second before you have to gybe back to port to give him room.

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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby jiel » 11 Apr 2020 16:46

Because there is no agreement and the protested skipper WM didnt answer, I wonder if we could let this case undecided ? What do you think ?
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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby euphoria » 11 Apr 2020 20:23

Jean Luc, if you agree 10 was broken, then we give the race to the other team.
If you disagree, then we leave it as is.
We are the neutral parties here :-)

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Re: FreeDom #2 race 3

Postby jiel » 11 Apr 2020 20:48

Yes I agree 10 penalty for WM who didnt do all his best just before nadeo inflicted him the pen. He had indeed to bear away to keep clear. Also, Sam could give him room to keep clear and he did that. I must apologize Sam for not have seen that before but the continously course changes led me to think that was faulty moves when it is allowed to change course while giving room to keep clear. It is more clear now.
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