Wishlist for VSK4 - What would be the biggest improvements?

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby Andy(NZ) » 04 May 2005 03:52

Although these have all been suggested by others I would like to share my personal top 5 in order or priority !

1. Lobby enhancements (pre race chat)

2. Rule 18-19 where the obstruction is a land mass. VSK needs to recognise land as an obstruction to which Rules 18.5 and 19 apply, and a provision to hail is required so that the boat hailed must give room or be penalised.

3. Rule 18.2 - Inside overlap at a mark. The rights under this rule seem to end rather prematurely, and certainly before the rounding maneuver has been properly completed. Bearing away or gybing around a mark normally causes a reduction in speed. This allows a boat that was clear astern to establish an inside overlap when I have passed the mark but am still within 1 boatlength of the mark and have not properly completed the rounding. VSK then suspends my rights under 18.2 and gives the opponent rights under Rule 11 if I am bearing away, or under Rule 10 if I have gybed onto port tack.

4. Wind shifts to move across the course area, and not affect whole course at the same time.

5. Damage inflicted on the boat without right of way and then slows a damaged boat down !

Oh and a career log book mode that records a skippers successes and failures and make it available online.... yeah I know that's 6 things :p
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Postby Waverider » 05 May 2005 15:11

If Nadeo is planning another upgrade to VSK3, then 40 more customizable solo races would be much appreciated by we single player racers. Please include several long races such as around Wight or a circuit of all of San Francisco Bay. Perhaps one long race in each venue would be perfect. With a save game option, this would be great.
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Postby sunburn » 07 May 2005 01:57

- a system of protest (vsk umpire doesnt give any pen unless there s a protest)
- more realistic hole. (wind decreases too much)
- no more ghost
- add a TV camera in the replay
- reduce the time to spin. (35-40 sec)
- be able to save a course we have raced on.
- Share skin, change skin on the water.
- be able to launch a new course without quitting.
- new boats : volvo70, 49er
- an automatic pilot (heading & twa mode)
- instruments : delete the current's strengh & course. Replaced by the speed over ground & course over ground. (let the yellow arrow for the rookie mode)
- add the spinnaker boom & an asymmetrical spinnaker for the ACC.
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Postby Oobie » 08 May 2005 02:27

It would be great if rules 19.1 and 22.2 could be included.
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Postby NEIL PRYDE RACING -JY » 10 May 2005 07:06

Matchracing wishlist!
- 'Speed Radar', point at other boat for speed comparison
- Add the spinnaker boom & an asymmetrical spinnaker for the ACC.
- 3rd Viewer Online Spot, so we can see other matchracers live!
- Time differentials at mark roundings to see gain loss!
- Option for Boat Tracks, ie like in ACC TV animation!
- Option for Gain Line, again like on ACC TV animation!
- Improve sounds for ACC, how about human voices and team talk for better authenticity. i.e someone counting down the time to start line and mark roundings!
- Proper starting procedure. ie entering start box on time!
- More real windshifts, making a favoured side of the course!
- How about random breakages, spinnaker tears, spinnaker poles if skipper has wrongfully inflicted collisions and has not helmed boat with care!
- How about a special 'Designer ACC Series' where you can design, change or add apendages from a VSK4 library!
- And finally, how about a place to post Most Wanted pics of all cheating, low life wankers who go out of their way to crash, cheat ramm and abuse!

Postby Jarmus » 10 May 2005 19:20

Guest wrote:Matchracing wishlist!
- How about random breakages, spinnaker tears, spinnaker poles if skipper has wrongfully inflicted collisions and has not helmed boat with care!

Hey! They could bring back the ferrys and submarines!

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Postby Bustin' Loose » 09 Jun 2005 03:37

I'd like to be able to sail some actual international events. Being an Aussie I'm familiar with the Sydney - Hobart, Hamilton Island Race week, Sydney - Mooloolabah etc, and also some of the round the word events. Being that they would be long the option to save progress midrace in solo mode would be nice. And I'd like to see the possibility of multiple classes of boats competing together, with Line Honours, Handicap, and Class winners. That, both online and in solo mode, would add a greater degree of realism to the game for me. I'd also like to see a handicap system developed for online sailing. I think you have to give the slower sailors something to compete for. I believe this would also reduce the frequency of people withdrawing from races they feel they can't win.

See you on the water.
Bustin' Loose
Bustin' Loose

Postby Bustin' Loose » 09 Jun 2005 03:43

Ohh, and a 2 min start option. I think 1 min is too short, and 3 mins can be too long with restarts, prestarts can last for 15mins. I think 2 mins would be a nice duration.

See you on the water
Bustin' Loose
Bustin' Loose

Postby Oobie » 19 Jul 2005 23:13

Hmmm, think this may have been mentioned somewhere before but....

Ability to cancel a pen that you give to another boat if you think it is incorrect.
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Postby Aquabat » 20 Jul 2005 10:50

I love the idea about pens ... though can u imagine the Italians using this :p
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Postby Oobie » 20 Jul 2005 12:46

You mean the ones that read these public forums? Or the other ones :O
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Postby Aquabat » 20 Jul 2005 14:09

both !!

Do not get me wrong here ... I love Italy, been there a good few times ... good food, wine and the girls ... some very good sailors IN REAL life ... but its true in a lot of cases that VSK and Italians do not mix that well all the time ..
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Postby Odin » 21 Jul 2005 03:49

Have this been mentioned?
The ability for the host to close the game so no more players can join. Sometimes during races (that are not full)some players keep joining and quitting a zillion times. Very annoying. At restart it could default back to open so host won't forget. Also good for TR when you want 6 and have set it to 8.

And btw I LOVE Italians!!!!

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Postby Skiffie » 21 Jul 2005 04:58

Have any more screen shots been released? :blues:
Mark (Skiffie)
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Postby Aquabat » 21 Jul 2005 10:39

screen shots of Italians ? :p

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