Wishlist for VSK4 - What would be the biggest improvements?

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby Skiffie » 21 Jul 2005 11:34

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O

I think I meant of VSK4... but I forgot.
Mark (Skiffie)
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Postby phil » 24 Jul 2005 13:39

i only saw a few bits of vsk3 (the demo), but in vsk1 and vsk2 i missed an option to get rid of the startline and this arrow jumping up and down to indicate the next mark. everybody talks about realism - so i think it should be enough to look at at map before the race. when your racing in real life there isn´t an arrow that jumps or circles around the marks either. so you have to memerize the positions of the marks before the race (like in real life) and search a bit or the marks by looking around.
okay, and then there could be an option for an in-race-map that shows where the mark is according to the boat position (maybe even with a compass course to the next mark). that can´t be that difficult to develope. and have you ever seen a green startline on the water? you´ve got already so much camera options to estimate where the startline is. it would be definitly more fun without these supports.
at least there should be an option so i can choose wether i want to race irrealistic or challenge a bit myself.
most of you said it yourself that the AI-boats are pretty bad. maybe there´s just too much things that help you already ("speed radar that indicates the boat speed of the other boats"? - tzzz ???)
Phil :beer:

PS: if this is already in the full version of vsk3 i didn´t say a thing. :cool: but then please keep it for vsk4.

Postby murphs » 25 Jul 2005 09:58

the problem with that is you would have to have a uber- high tech pc to get the graphic quality to see the next mark
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Postby phil » 25 Jul 2005 18:43

you do not always see the next marks in real life either. only when you get closer. a compass bearing at the beginning of each leg would be enough i think. it´s a challenge and you have to keep looking around - like in real life.
there just need to be one key-option that chooses jumping-arrow and startline ON or OFF. i think they had it in vsk1 for the next mark (was it F4?). i don´t wanna see the startline!

Postby TOM » 26 Jul 2005 13:50

they could show the compass course at the commitee boat. that´s the way they do it most (real) regattas too. that would be cool.
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Postby Apeboy » 21 Sep 2005 15:38

Multiplayer host option to lock view to cockpit for all boats. Alot is lost in the translation when you have a God's eye view of everything. You can start, round and tack in vsk3 with surgical precision relative to the bouy and other boats.

Remove large neon arrows over marks, I like the compass on committe boat idea. Option to toggle all neon would be great. Maybe a binocular view to help find them.

Player controlled committee boat to either wave off or inflict penalties that can be difficult for the program to interpret. This would allow for close or inaccurate calls to be protested following the race without the clock running until the 360 is completed.
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Postby CAN Knot » 21 Sep 2005 18:07

Multiplayer host option to lock view to cockpit for all boats.

Only if that is indicated in the game browser so people know to avoid these races (that want to that is). Nadeo would also have to implement perfect peripheral vision and the ability to move around the boat (i.e. be the bowman to call overlaps etc.) before this would be viable.

However, I'm starting to like the idea of not having a start line, but I'd have to try a few races like that first. It would likely cut down on the pile ups at the start line as people wouldn't be as willing to push oppenents upto, and over, the start line if they didn't know exactly where the line was and there was a danger of them going over early as well. I bet alot of people's starts would be alot more tentative than they are now!
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Postby Skiffie » 26 Sep 2005 12:35

Considering Nadeo is likely to be a long way down the track with any potential changes, which (if any) of the wishlist items are being implemented?
Mark (Skiffie)
Team Rumbilical Brothers

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Postby Team GBR » 11 Apr 2006 08:25

I think there shuld be a genrel recall on the start if more than 4 boats are over then it give you 1 min to get back then the gun starts again. All so handcap races where acc can race say larma but there has to be so good working out for this over a long time. i dont think this would happen, but the recall can. all so if you are overfor the 2nd tim you get black flaged and are out you turn in to a ghost. 1 last thing every one wants is the rules and bugs sorted. THx TEAM GBR
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Postby Rs200 » 11 Apr 2006 18:55

The ability for the host to set the preparatory flag would be nice. so you could chose from a simple P, I, Z or black flag, so all start penaltys could be used. The host could set how many boats are needed for a generall recall to sounded (before the race of course- so a host doesn't generall recal when just they are over). Then the sequence for starting penalties could be arranged, say to start, preparatory (dip restarts allowed), then round the ends, then blag flag, or whatever.

Then as Team GBR (Eddie?) says you go back into the sequence
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Postby admiral 1 » 12 Apr 2006 13:56

- bearing to next mark is continuously given, if identical to course over ground boat wil hit mark right on. Userinterface: CNM & COG
- the distance to the next mark is continously given also. User Interface: DNM
- These same readings will also tell you where your boat stands relative to the startline. Note: bearing (CNM) = relative to startline/finishline CENTER

The only missing things are maps. The given map now is only a birdseye view, and actually only gives some course lines so one can decifer wich way around the marks are to be rounded.
What is neede is a simple grafrical map with marks and landmasses, some current charts, and something like a 3 hours old weather chart with isobars and windfanes.

Considering Nadeo is likely to be a long way down the track with any potential changes, which (if any) of the wishlist items are being implemented?

As all found bugs sofar are not showstoppers i don't think nadeo moved an inch yet. Think they are onto Trackmania now, following up on publicity with ESWC. Also i think Nadeo would have asked or warned before starting on anything.
Theeuwes de Jong, skipper of Admiral

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