Joystick Deadzone - tiller never centers

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Postby TeamNZ » 25 Feb 2003 02:10

as title says, need a joystick deadzone as tiller never centers correctly and keeps jumping about.
where as using keyboard it ok. but then tacking is too slow :/
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Postby euphoria » 25 Feb 2003 09:33

My joystick (Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D) can be configured with a dead zone...

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Postby aro69 » 25 Feb 2003 10:12

Well, for that same reason I've given up using the joystick... I guess there's a lot of potential speed to pick up by using it - like in VSK1 - but I just cannot get that tiller centered either! :(

I have the same joystick as Harald and it works flawlessly in all other prog's, but VSK2 just doesnt do that thang for me. Edited WingMan setting and even went so far as to edit the basic DX input settings for jstick (there's a special tool allowing this) but still the same. I was starting to think VSK overrides these settings and uses its own calibration...?!?

Hmm.... re-install all jstick software and try again, I guess...

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Postby euphoria » 25 Feb 2003 11:12

It may be true that VSK2 overrides calibration. I forgot to tell you that when entering a VSK2 game for the first time after a boot, I have to move the joystick to both outer positions to make the tiller stabalize in the center. Hope this works for you.

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Postby aro69 » 25 Feb 2003 17:19

Cant wait to get home and try that trick... if it works there will be a massive stream of

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

going from the Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen to Harald in Norway...

[aro runs off to ask his boss if he can leave a bit earlier today... and also if it's ok he ties back one of the North Sea pipelines to Norway and reverse flow it with beer..?]


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Postby CAN Knot » 25 Feb 2003 23:26

I have the same joystick as you guys and VSK2 is unplayable with it. The rudder just does not center, regardless of how large I make the dead zone. Actually, turning the sensitivity down made the most difference, but the rudder still doesn't center. The closest I can get is just a little bit off.

Harald: when do you do that with the rudder? When you are in the VSK main menu or on the water? I tried moving the joystick to the extremes in both places and it didn't seem to make a difference.
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Postby euphoria » 26 Feb 2003 00:12

I do it when I arrive at the starting line. I use no other calibration for the joystick. Maybe you should turn off the dead zone etc?

My trick worked for Anders!
I just can't wait to have my own pipeline in the house, directly from Carlsberg!!! From now on, all beer is on me at the ITBYC events :) :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

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Postby Peelman » 26 Feb 2003 01:20

You might have tried this but calibrate the joystick in the Control Panel too.
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Postby aro69 » 26 Feb 2003 11:37

Yes, yanking the good old joystick left and right for a while sure helped!

Pardon my language... :D :p

Before I noticed that VSK2 did not respond to a full left/right on the jstick (only 60-70% left/right response on the tiller display). On top of this the tiller did not center properly.

After the jstick-trick there was full (100%) left/right response, and improved (but not perfect) centering!

:beer: -pipeline under construction!

I cleared all calibration settings (w. Logitechs utility for doing so), started the WingMan Profiler, calibrated the stick, set dead-zone to 10%, did the left-rigth trick and started the game.

Most often I dont use the Profiler but calibrate using a DirectInput config tool. This tool states that in WIN2K/XP there's a bug in "dead zone" settings so they can not be stored... All other stuff is fully controllable.

I guess it doesnt matter what tool is used if VSK2 has its own input settings...? Does it, and could we access it?


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Postby CAN Knot » 27 Feb 2003 01:41

I used to have the utility Anders mentioned (DXTweak?). However, reading through it's documentation I think I found the real culprit...

Microsoft has acknowledged that there is no
recognized way of setting a persistant deadzone for
Windows 2K and Windows XP. We are trying to get a fix
for this in the next version of DirectX.

However, there is one other problem with using the joystick as I see it.... not enough hands. As it is I need one hand for my beer, one hand for the mouse so I can look around, and one hand for the keyboard to steer and trim sails. Since not all keyboard controls can be mapped to the joystick that means I'd need a fourth hand! How do you guys do it?
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Postby aro69 » 04 Mar 2003 16:03

Yup, Can, DXTweak is the tool. And yes, the 2K/XP dead zone bug is a fact... :(

Regarding no. of hands: I'm quite satisfied with my keyboard setup which allows controlling all nitty gritty with left hand while steering (jstick or arrows, as preferred) with the left:

keys | functions

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 :) choose and set sails
Q - W - E - R :) harden sheets; manual/auto toggle; ease sheets; release/trim toggle
A - S - D - F :) view left; view up; view right; center view; toggle view
Z - X - C - V :) default view; view down; zoom in; zoom out


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Postby admiral 1 » 04 Mar 2003 18:35

right hand : joystick (rudder)
alternate: keyboard for purpose of typing

left hand: mouse (eyes and sheets)
alternate: keyboard for purpose of typing

right foot: rw transmit button
alternate: reset button when vsk hangs

left foot : beer pump (pumps beer from case through tube to mouth piece dangling in front of face)
alternate: router power on/off to kick rest of family off when they are using up to much bandwith.
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Postby aro69 » 05 Mar 2003 01:04

Ah... yes... the beer pump... forgot to mention:

Right foot + left foot: Both bicycling the beer pump to build up the pumping pressure required to supply Harald with estimated 52 pints of beer per hour I ow him for the tip(calculations have showed this should be his average consumption rate).

These are tough times sailing VSK... :p

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Postby CAN Knot » 05 Mar 2003 10:40

controlling all nitty gritty with left hand while steering (jstick or arrows, as preferred) with the left:

So that's how you do it Anders... you've got two left hands! ;)

I'm definitely going to have to look into one of those beer pumps...
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Postby euphoria » 12 Apr 2003 12:36

Just tried the joystick configuration for the WingMan Extreme. The dead zone works perfect for VSK2.

NB! You need to have created a profile for VSK2 in the WingMan profiler (assigned to the vsk2.exe file) and keep the profiler running in the background to make the settings affect the game.

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