help to understand RPC

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help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 11 Mar 2012 17:10

Hi all,

I saw several RPC events whose the date is over when the skipper list is incomplete. Is that meaning the event is over itself ? Or can we register and the date will be changed ?

May I do a suggestion although I know the large work any change can produce for the adminitrors. From what I understood RPC is needing 4 hosts, 8 skippers and the event lasts at least 2 hours. Now imagine to gather only 4 skippers named A, B, C and D, one of them being the host. A lighter RPC could then be completed in only 3 races: tAB/tCD, tAC/tBD and tAD/tBC.

CU soon, I want to register one RPC event to learn how that works and before to propose my own events.

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 18 Apr 2012 00:01

Hi Jean-Luc,

I saw several RPC events whose the date is over when the skipper list is incomplete. Is that meaning the event is over itself ? Or can we register and the date will be changed ?

It probably means that the event did not get enough skippers in time for the race to begin. It's best to ask the originator to change the date into the future.

May I do a suggestion although I know the large work any change can produce for the adminitrors. From what I understood RPC is needing 4 hosts, 8 skippers and the event lasts at least 2 hours. Now imagine to gather only 4 skippers named A, B, C and D, one of them being the host. A lighter RPC could then be completed in only 3 races: tAB/tCD, tAC/tBD and tAD/tBC.

Agree that it would be very useful to allow events with only 4 boats (2 vs 2 - 6 races). And also with 6 boats (3 vs 3 - 5/6 races).
But as you say it requires more coding. Maybe in the future (2020 :-) ).

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 20 Jan 2020 09:52

Bonjour Harald,
Just to remind what you wrote (last part of your reply above) some years ago :)
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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 23 Jan 2020 10:35

Hehe Jean-Luc.
I have to admit I edited the 2012-post a few days ago to add the 2020 reference.
Was a little funny, as we now are into the future :-)

If it's still a request, I can make the 2 vs 2 option - double round with 6 races.
But there are quite many things I have to do before, so don't expect anything soon.
Any idea on how to compile teams in a smart way if there are only 6 skippers for 3 vs 3 races?

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 24 Jan 2020 10:24

bonjour Harald,
Because there are exactly 10 different meetings between 2 teams of 3 skippers taken among 6, I suggest to simply publish the following table where A is the first skipper registered , B the second and so one :

race 1 ABC versus DEF
race 2 ABD versus CEF
race 3 ABE versus CDF
race 4 ABF versus CDE
race 5 ACD versus BEF
race 6 ACE versus BDF
race 7 ACF versus BDE
race 8 ADE versus BCF
race 9 ADF versus BCE
race 10 AEF versus BCD

The first colunm could be the red team and is formed in taking all the teams possible with A. The right colunm is the completion of the left colunm. I dont know how to set the hosts.

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 24 Jan 2020 17:32

Thanks Jean-Luc,

With 10 races covering all combinations, maybe that's not too many anyway? Each race take in average 15 minutes, including prestarts, team swapping and chatting in between, so 10 races equals 2.5 hours of effective racing. The good thing is that we only need only 1 server, so time is not lost on changing hosts and servers. But lets account for a 15 min break halfway, and other small emergencies, then all should at least be over in 3 hours.

I will think of a way to even allow replacements during an event or incomplete events, have some ideas.

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 25 Jan 2020 13:49

Bonjour Harald,
Ah ok indeed for the host.
Concerning the whole event, after the skippers registered, why not generate randomly 5 races among the 10 possible ? In my opinion, 10 races are too much. On the other hand, the event could stop when the 6 skippers agree or as soon as one of them leaves ...
CU soon,
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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 25 Jan 2020 15:50

Yes, a good idea to set the races in random order, and option to stop at any time.
I should be able to implement this.

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 26 Jan 2020 01:49

What about an event creation form like this?

Does it cover all needs?

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 26 Jan 2020 19:36

Looks nice and efficient.
One question : if JL ceates one event with 6 skippers to do 3x3 races but only 4 skippers registered at time, do the system switches automatically to the lower format 4 skippers for 6 races 2x2 ? Or must JL re-create the correct event ?
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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 26 Jan 2020 19:47

Now to cover all the needs, I would imagine the creator has only 2 infos to give : 1/ 2x2 or 3x3, 2/ number N races targeted. At the Event gun time if 4, 5, 6, or even 12 skippers registered, the program automacically generates the N (or near N) races, randomly if neccessary. I thought about that but it needs some special functions or code I even be not sure to succed to do ... and of course some work. However I will search a little in the next future and say you what I will find.
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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 27 Jan 2020 00:44

jiel wrote:if JL ceates one event with 6 skippers to do 3x3 races but only 4 skippers registered at time, do the system switches automatically to the lower format 4 skippers for 6 races 2x2 ? Or must JL re-create the correct event ?

The intention is to make it flexible, so it happens automatically when the event organizer click the button to create the race table.

jiel wrote:Now to cover all the needs, I would imagine the creator has only 2 infos to give : 1/ 2x2 or 3x3, 2/ number N races targeted. At the Event gun time if 4, 5, 6, or even 12 skippers registered, the program automacically generates the N (or near N) races, randomly if neccessary. I thought about that but it needs some special functions or code I even be not sure to succed to do ... and of course some work. However I will search a little in the next future and say you what I will find.

Good idea. The only downside (in addition to complex coding) is that there are more people involved on many servers, increasing probabilities for delays and drop-outs. At the old ITBYC, we had a robot in the irc chat that selected teams for each race, based on those who had told the bot they were ready to race, and it kept track of scores. This sounds quite similar, except it draws a series of races instead of just 1.

A similar alternative is to keep the original idea, but have an unlimited amount of skippers that can enter. Then based on number of entries, it will split the group in multiple independent parallell events:
If 4 sign up, there will be one event with 4 skippers.
If 6 sign up, there will be one event with 6 skippers.
If 8 sign up, there will be one event with 8 skippers (rpc).
If 10 sign up, there will be one event with 6 skippers and one with 4 skippers.
If 12 sign up, there will be two events with 6 skippers.
If 14 sign up, there will be one event with 6 skippers and one with 8 skippers.
If odd number of entries (5, 7, 9 etc), the last to sign up will not participate, but will be on waiting list in case someone doesn't show up.

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 27 Jan 2020 15:52

Yep, its simply perfect like that. WD Harald !

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby euphoria » 30 Jan 2020 00:08

I have come quite far, solved splitting of events if 10+.
You can test to see if there are bugs here:

Any proposals for a name for the service?
I called it TTT as a project name...

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Re: help to understand RPC

Postby jiel » 30 Jan 2020 02:20

Waooo, very complete and smart. Must have need much work ...
I signed up severals and all seem ok. I even have unterdood how that is working LOL.

In the Info to the Admin :
"Market the event on other sites if necessary to get 8 skippers." would be modified in "Market the event on other sites if necessary to get skippers."
"Make sure there are at least 4 hosts on the entry list." is anymore necessary
"The first host will host 7 races. The 2nd, 4 races. 3rd, 2 races. 4th, 1 race." is anymore necessary
"Submit results for server 1 and 2 between each race (only you can do this)." modified in "Submit results between each race (only you can do this)."

Some explanations would be given in the "Infos for All". For instance, if there are 8 skippers registered then, i guess that the 2 groups of 4 will have independant scores. That is the event is splitted in 2 sub-events randomly defined.

Concerning the name, I would propose : RTRC : Random Team Racing Cup or simplier : TRC : Team Racing Cup.

Good job mate !

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