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Postby Iron Draggon » 28 Dec 2003 11:50

Fellow beer drinker & VSK fan here! :beer: I don't mind the hard stuff either. I'll also smoke just about anything, legal or otherwise. I'm just having a few beers for right now though, so cheers! :beer: I assume that this is the only place to chat with fellow beer drinkers & VSK fans in English, is it not?

I've been playing VSK ever since it came out here in the states, but I've only just now ordered a copy of VSK2 & VSK3, so those are in transit right now. YAY! Finally! I'll drink to that! :beer: I've yet to get into the online aspect of it yet though, so I'm sure I'd just be in the way against human opponents at this point, but I tend to fare pretty well against the computer most of the time. I don't know if that's very uncommon though. It doesn't seem to be too hard to beat. (Gee, I hope that's not an objectionable statement!) LOL

Anyhow, I was wondering why the heck there never was a sequel to VSK one day, when much to my surprise I found out that there never was a sequel to VSK in the USA! Meanwhile, the rest of the world is on VSK2 and just getting into VSK3! This doesn't make very much sense to me, since VSK is one of the greatest games ever made as far as I'm concerned, but then I love sailing, so I suppose it's natural for me to feel that way about it. I've only been along for a ride in a 2 man dingy before in real life though, so I'd hardly call myself an old salt or even a nautical buff, which makes the lack of major support for this game here in the states all the more puzzling to me. What, we still don't even have a single US fansite? I'm gonna have to do something about that! This is an outrage!

Well, I'm probably gonna end up getting more into the VSK modding scene than I am in worrying about whether or not I'm worthy of an invitation to join any races for a while, so I've just joined VSK Central also. That seems to be where all the modders hang out, so hopefully it won't be too hard to learn all the specifics for modding VSK. Currently, I only MOD for Disney's Ultimate Ride series, if any of y'all have ever heard of those games. (Yes, y'all, I'm real a native Texan!) Cheers! :beer: Suffice it to say I'm way more into roller coasters than I am into anything else, but I'm looking to expand my horizons a bit, if my fans in the UR community will allow it. I pretty much live & breathe UR, so please forgive me if I'm not around here enough to be considered very active.

OK, that should do for my background and reason for being here, so anything else you wanna know, please feel free to ask. Yes I do requests, no I don't do 3D modeling. (Yet!) Mostly I only do textures and file hacking, and I tend to be better at hacking than I am at making textures, but most people seem to think that I do quite well at both. I prefer to let my work speak for itself though, so if you wanna see what I can do with VSK, you'll just have to wait until I've learned all the ins & outs of modding it before I can show you what I can do. I'm not an expert hacker or an expert artist, so my abilities are still a bit limited, but I can do more tricks than most. Modding is definitely one of my major passions for fun.

Oh yeah, before I go, can you guys tell me why VSK1 just kinda vanished without much of a trace? I mean, after seeing all the screenshots and watching all the trailers for VSK2 & VSK3, it's kinda obvious, but since VSK1 is the only game available here in the states, it seems like there'd still be a place for racing online in VSK1 lingering around somewhere. And yet, I can't even find any patches for VSK1 anywhere, so either there never were any, or I really need them badly, if anyone knows where I can still find them. I've searched and searched, but all I've found is patches for VSK2 & VSK3 so far. This leads me to believe that there must've been some for VSK1 as well, at some point in time, but if there were, they sure are hard to find now! Could someone fill me in?

I'm shoving off for now, because it's time for a refill and a visit to the head, but I'll be docking here again tomorrow! (Or later today, depending on which side of the line you're on!) May the wind be blowing wherever you're going, sailors! :beer:
Iron Draggon
Posts: 4
Joined: 28 Dec 2003 10:02
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Postby Popeye » 28 Dec 2003 20:25

Hi, Iron Draggon,

Its great to see a fellow American on VSK. I only discovered this last year while waiting to view the cup races. Since they don't broadcast sailing here in the US The net was the only option for me.
This is a good site to make some contacts but there is also “Virtualcup.org“. I seem to sail with guys associated with this site more but Virtualcup is worth a look.
Don't worry about not sailing well on Vsk if you understand how to sail you will do well and enjoy the company of some of the regular crowd. Just go threw some of the challange races to get the idea how the boats sail then jump right in. I'm usually good for a few tips while online(or off) and so are most other good sailors, just ask. There are a few threads on speed on the virtualcup site (fyi they are offline till the first of the year).
I'm usually sailing around 8 till midnight east coast time and a fella who goes by the name Odin is often around then too.

Hope to see you out on the digital water. If you haven't yet, try the Vsk3 demo it should keep you happy until you get your full copies of the game.


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Postby Iron Draggon » 29 Dec 2003 08:28

Yeah, why are us Americans such a rarity in this game? And why is sailing something that only rich people do at yacht clubs in this country? The only time we even hear a peep about sailing here is when they devote 10 seconds to telling us who won the America's Cup. If it weren't for ESPN, there'd be no coverage at all! Thank God I have cable TV & internet.

I really don't know very much about sailing though. I think I understand most of the basic principles, but the ISAF rules confuse me. I don't know what all the lingo means, and I've never done anything but ride on a little 2 man dingy once in my life, so what little I do know I've learned from VSK and an old Avalon Hill board game called Regatta. Does anyone else here play that? It's like a paper version of VSK, pretty cool!

As for the game, I always pilot the big racers, and I usually do very well with them. I don't think I've ever driven any of the smaller boats though, so I'd probably get slaughtered in those classes. Anyhow, I just try to keep clear of everyone, but I'm sure I'm doing alot of things wrong, especially before the start of the race. Everyone else is milling about doing God knows what, and I'm just pacing back and forth right behind the line. Then when it gets close to start time, I put my boat in pole position, and off we go! So I must be doing something wrong, because none of the other boats do that. I usually end up winning that way though, so that's how I've been doing it. What am I supposed to be doing then, anyway?

I can hardly wait for the sequels to get here. I'm planning a big marathon where I'll be working my way through every challenge in all 3 games, in order of course, so by the time I get done with that, I should be ready to take on anybody. So I'm probably gonna be playing VSK for an entire weekend, as soon as the other two games get here. I guess I could go ahead and start with VSK1 while I'm waiting, so I might do that. It's probably about time that I learned how to pilot the smaller boats. But I'm most looking forward to the trimarans!
Iron Draggon
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Joined: 28 Dec 2003 10:02
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Postby Popeye » 30 Dec 2003 02:36

Its great to see your enthusiasm for VSK You'll have quite the marathon though Vsk2 will take a several hours to play and unlock all the boats, but Vsk3 has over 100 races to go threw. You don't need to sail them to unlock anything but you wont do it in a weekend. I'm still working on them just for the fun of it but there's nothing stopping you from joining an online game for either of them right out of the box.
I too am most thrilled about the tri but online it seems that most guys like to sail the ACC boat. The second most sailed boat seems to be the Melges boat. These seem to make for a more tactical race. As for the rules, vsk will let you know if your in the wrong just remember the basic right of way rules and avoid being too close to other boats and you will be just fine.
Ill keep an eye out for you. See you online.:)


Even a blind squril finds an eggcorn now and then
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Location: New Jersey

Postby Camster » 30 Dec 2003 10:31

A suggestions for ordering VSK3 is:- www.digitaljesters.com (the uk distributers). You could check out the delivery to your part of the world - I think they do.

The sailing sim is much better than VSK1 but requires more concentration! To enjoy it fully you need to get online - see you soon hopefully.

:) Camster
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Postby Iron Draggon » 30 Dec 2003 11:22

WOW, 100 races to go through in VSK3, and boats to unlock in VSK2? Boy, this really is gonna be SWEET! Now I'm even more glad I chose to spend half of my Christmas cash on these two games! I thought they were both basically just VSK1 with a couple of extra boats and locations, and way better graphics! All this and modding potential too? Well I guess my marathon will last at least a week, and I'm gonna have to find some of you guys online somewhere sometime!

:beer: (chugs beer and tries not to wet himself) :beer:

Camster, my VSK3 is coming from Digital Jesters, and my VSK2 is coming from Duran. So it's already a race between France & the UK for the America's Cup. Hopefully they'll get here on the same day, so I'll only need one bottle of bubbly to christen them both. I'll need less confetti that way too.
Iron Draggon
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Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Postby 83-1071409617 » 30 Dec 2003 21:38

Hi Iron i have used around 80 houers onVsk 3 and have 5 races left its hard work so goodluck hope to see you soon boutplaces. Steelviking

Edited By STEELVIKING on 1072813335

Postby Camster » 30 Dec 2003 21:42

Allow plenty of time for that last 50th Race !!

:beer: Camster
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Postby Iron Draggon » 02 Jan 2004 10:26

OK, maybe this is gonna take 2 weeks. LOL
Iron Draggon
Posts: 4
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Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Postby 119-1074129501 » 15 Jan 2004 03:29

Iron do you have that game in the us?

Was hoping to chat about it with you. Id really like to sail the melges's before i purchase.

also a different variety of courses. I hate the constant left wind shift the demo has.

thanks :beer: :beer: :beer: ;)

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