WTRC Round 3 - Race times and results

Open 24/7

Postby euphoria » 29 Mar 2004 16:18

Hello teams,

Reference is made to the sailing instructions at the championship web page. Take a look at the race table to see who you will meet in your next series. Please use this thread to announce the time of your round 3 races and for posting of results. Round 3 races should be completed by the 11th of April. Please take into account that the easter holidays are during this race period, and that some of the participants may be away for a while. Therefore track down the available race days as soon as possible.

The courses to be used in round 3 can be downloaded here.

PS! Remember to post results in this thread as soon as possible after finishing your race night (not necessarily the complete series).

Harald :beer:
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Postby ChatLamaMouette » 29 Mar 2004 17:48

We saw that on a wall near the port...


... people seems to be interested by this turnament ! Old dangerous Yuma papys and Lamas have their clandestins fans ! :laugh:

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Postby Camster » 30 Mar 2004 21:22

Nice try to blow my cover but I don't think anyone will recognise me from this !!

L' Ancien Regime will be there !!

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Postby FEDELLO » 30 Mar 2004 22:25

hmmm ...interesting :blues: ..... how much is the exchange rate for brouzzoufs ? :D
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Postby Lamarsupio » 01 Apr 2004 03:48

just a litlle ... great news :D between 2 round :cool:

UIILdecoud ! (elbow grease in english)The skin wich is rowing for you !
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Postby Aeolus » 05 Apr 2004 13:56

It looks like the Beer Sluts and the Drunken Trappers will square off tonight sometime between 20 and 21 gmt.
Bottoms Up,
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Postby Berttie » 05 Apr 2004 15:10

humm .. looks like the twisted & sick lamas have been here

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Postby Oobie » 06 Apr 2004 02:12

The Axis of Evil and Team Magic will race on Tuesday 6th at 11:00 GMT. We'll see which is more powerful, Magic, or Evil :angry:
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Postby Camster » 06 Apr 2004 09:22

Any ideas for a date, you Lamas? Did my email reach Lamaland?

:) Sandy
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Postby Oobie » 06 Apr 2004 15:02

Well - I guess Magic is stronger than Evil - and a good thing too - I don't like Evil people :D

In a hard fought series - Team Magic prevailed over the Axis of Evil 3-2 in Series P.

Scores were as follows: (not 100% sure of final scores in race 3.. - perhaps Varuna can qualify)

Race 1 - AOE: 9, TM: 12
Race 2 - AOE: 12, TM: 9
Race 3 - AOE: 12, TM: 9
Race 4 - AOE: 6, TM: 15
Race 5 - AOE: 11, TM: 10

It really did come down to the wire - the last mark saw Axis of Evil in control but a flurry of pens threw everything into confusion - at least I was confused :D and Team Magic had the numbers in the end.

Well done Team Magic- it was a fun series.
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Postby varuna » 06 Apr 2004 16:14

I don't know if magicians could manage the World company, but axis of evil was not bad enough to bewitch them.
I confirm all the scores.
This races were very closed and exciting. 5 races one after the other in 1h30 was the best thing we could do.
The 4 first races were nearly fair and very clean.
The last one - the final - was nearly a disaster - too much pens sometimes unfair but often big mistakes from all of them. When i watch the replay, i don't know what was unfair and what was mistake... it was a big shamble. From my point of view, the points are with the magicians but i think we were equal... in evil...
Thank you guys for this good and Mag!c moment...


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Postby Rez » 06 Apr 2004 17:18

The vskitalia 1 team is withdraw for the round 3.

No round 2, no round 3 for the team guinness. It's not a good way to learn and make progress in team race :)

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Postby euphoria » 06 Apr 2004 17:25

Well done Magics!

Now Twisted sick just lose to Senators, and the circle will be complete... In such a case will the again face the evil side of the vsk community.

Bad luck for you Guinness. A walkover both in round 2 and 3 isn't fun.

The ITBYC teams "Beer Sluts" and "Drunken Trappers" raced 4 semi final races during the night some hours ago. Alot of disconnections in the end, so we decided to postpone our last race. Tony will post detailed results from those matches soon. But yes... it's 2-2!

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Postby Odin » 14 Apr 2004 01:56

Congrats to the damn Trappers....
You blew us off the water in no wind...hmmm

Sorry I left so suddenly, but my internet installer did not think it was important for me to finish the race so he disconnected my dsl line....(he did not mean to). He was under my desk while I was sailing the whole time…..not very comfortable if you know what I mean….

I learned 2 things....never sail without beer (I need 24hrs warning guys I was out!!!…I live up in the mountains and no beer here) and 2nd. Never experiment using a keyboard for the first time in a semifinal. …….where was that damn auto off button?? (had to switch comp the last minute and no JS installed on that one).

All my fault……….sorry sluts.....you did not deserve that!

But Trappers you’re good….. and good luck with the finals!!

tom.......maybe I'll take up bowling... :(
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Postby euphoria » 14 Apr 2004 10:02

Thanks Tom, and bad luck with your connection, key problems and technician... I'm not sorry for the beer problem. You should allways have beer in your fridge! ;) We had an extremely close set of races. It could have gone either way. Next time it's your turn. Thank to Per (SWE 16) for reserve sailing for us in the first 4 races last week and to Erwan (Sunburn) for his appearance in the last race. Now it seems like Philippe's (Cubenviper's) problems are solved, so that he can race in the finals.

This concludes the round 3. 10 teams are ready for the final round.

PS! I think we miss some replays from series P and R.

Cheers :beer:
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