Wishlist for VSK4 - What would be the biggest improvements?

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby lalderdice » 25 Oct 2004 14:53

I am very new to this but would like to see an improvement in the AI abilities.

They currently do not seem to put you under really tough scrutiny.

I did an experiment and managed to force one into the commitee boat and secure no penalty for myself.

In real sailing I believe that would have come close to disqualification for deliberate damage.
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Postby Alfa_Romeo » 26 Oct 2004 05:12

yes, AI is very bad...with expert controls, with AI set to expert with complete rules, there wasn't even a challenge the first time I raced...very dissapointing in my opinion.
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Postby hula » 27 Oct 2004 23:15

What about a "leeward gate" in the editor like the last AC race take a look here

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Postby yachtie2k4 » 28 Oct 2004 10:13

i Reckon we should be able to trim each sail individually, have boom vang, out haul, tell tales & all the other stuff that real sailing has. I don't like the way the boats move, I believe the boats move heaps better in VSK2 & more classes need to be added, I would say the 18ft skiff or 12 ft skiff (12ft skiff for me), the new Tornado with kite, what about proper offshore boats, such as the TP52 or VOR70's or Open60's or instead, give us a boat designer thing that allows us to design our own boats, so that way we can make our own boats that we can share with other people. Having more competitors would be heaps (like 20, or able to set as many as you want) better with AI having different levels of aggressiveness (as others have said) & them able to sail our courses. Bring back the Split Screen multiplayer as well.
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Postby Kwasi » 28 Oct 2004 12:30

Many times I hear, that skipper want to have more sails to trim in vsk... Beside the fact, that skippers dont trim any sail on an ACC-Boat, I really wonder, if only I have all hands full, while sailing. There is so much to take care of, I cant imagine to sheet another sail nor trim the Vang... :beer:
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Postby Berttie » 28 Oct 2004 16:58

what a cool I idea ... have one boat ... crewed by 15 or so on-line people ... one helm, one navigator several grinders and trimmers, bow man, etc etc all connected and sailing one boat WOW .. ..lol !! :p
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Postby nicolas » 21 Dec 2004 11:34

there aren't vsk4 aand the patch for vsk3
the more information on the taverne>vssk3>prochain patch
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Postby murphs » 21 Dec 2004 13:02

what is the taverne?
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Postby Kwasi » 21 Dec 2004 13:54

"La Taverne" is a french forum, where "menbrial" is posting the following:
"Vsk3 isnt sold as good as exspected, so there will be neither vsk4 nor a patch for vsk3"

Edited By Kwasi on 1103630091
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Postby PRINDLEMON » 22 Dec 2004 08:53

Give us a small catamaran that can be flipped easyly, it should be fun as a barrel of monkeys.
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Postby Oobie » 22 Dec 2004 10:12

In VSK2, the Open 60 used to flip in F6 and 7 if you were on man trim. I'm a small cat sailor and the notion of a small cat that behaves like the real thing sounds like fun, but in reality, it was a pain in the ass and stopped the Open 60 from getting any popularity. In VSK3, the Open 60 doesn't flip, it's much more fun now :)
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Postby AndersDK » 22 Dec 2004 12:35

Kwasi wrote:

"Vsk3 isnt sold as good as exspected, so there will be neither vsk4 nor a patch for vsk3"

Maybe we should all do an effort to help lubricate sales. Lets get some great screenshots, write a good text, and send it to all the "touch-points" we individually have to the world of sailing (clubs, class-associations, magazines, forums), with references to the online sailing and the communities around it, telling the story in a not-nerdy way.

It is my impression, that there is a lot "almost-buyers" outthere.

I feel we have the obligation proactive to be ambassadors for the game
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Postby Chris VAC » 27 Dec 2004 22:12

Kwasi wrote:"La Taverne" is a french forum, where "menbrial" is posting the following:
"Vsk3 isnt sold as good as exspected, so there will be neither vsk4 nor a patch for vsk3"

I really don't know how Membrial can write that, as he is not a Nadeo developer, and, as far as I am concerned, he is not even member of Nadeo 'first circle' ????!!!!?????.
Chris VAC

Postby Oobie » 28 Dec 2004 00:28

I know I've mentioned these before in the Beta forum, but......

A few key features from VSK2 that I miss dearly:

1. That fully sheeted in F5+ upwind is not the fastest setting. Careful sheet adjustment upwind always paid off for those who were willing to perfect their technique.

2. Further to point 1, adjusting your steering over the waves upwind also provided gains over others who just held their tiller straight.

3. Surfing downwind (yes, it's been said so many times already but I still can't understand where it went...)

These features made VSK2 more true to life than VSK3 and more importantly, made the sailing more exciting and rewarding.

I notice the omission of these features most in match races which can be very boring as there are no rewards for good upwind sheet and tiller technique.

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Postby CAN Knot » 28 Dec 2004 19:53

Vsk3 isnt sold as good as exspected, so there will be neither vsk4 nor a patch for vsk3

Doesn't this contradict information we have from much more reliable sources? It sounds more like someone trying to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about VSK3.

Maybe we should all do an effort to help lubricate sales.

The best thing Nadeo can do to lubricate sales is to implement a better single player game. Nadeo themselves said that ~70% of VSK2 players didn't play online. Assuming those numbers would hold for VSK3 that means Nadeo is only targeting 30% of their potential market. Tweaking the boat handling or sail controls doesn't have the potential to triple the sales of VSK3 like a decent AI might. In fact adding more sail controls is a "Bad Idea" as there is a large minority of the VSK3 community that already believe there is too much "finger twiddling sail controls", we want to be the virtual skipper/helmsman, not the virtual sail trimmer/grinder.

Another thing that would be more likely to lubricate sales is an updated demo that gives people a better indication of what VSK3 is like now, not what the original version was like. I would also like to see the demo allow (limited) online play, and that people who own the game should be able to race against people with the demo (ala VSK1). There were many times with VSK1 that I would go race against demo sailors if there wasn't much action on the server, and there have been a few nights that I've wished for that ability in VSK3. And what better way to act as an ambassador for VSK3 than to give newcomers a fair and sporting race.

I would be happy with those two items and a few bug fixes. Of course the bug fixes should come before anything else.
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