Wishlist for VSK4 - What would be the biggest improvements?

Suggestions for the next VSK version (and VSK bug reports)

Postby Berttie » 29 Dec 2004 22:11

Of course there a few things we would all like to see added or even removed from VSKXX ... BUT ... if the product is not marketed correctly .. then whats the point ...

I am going to the London Boat show in January .. last year I saw one company using VSK3 as a promotion tool for another product !! .. and not one company selling it .. ...CRAZY !

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Postby AndersDK » 30 Dec 2004 14:50

Lets make a screenshot contest.

Open questions:
How & where to upload?

With the graphics of my PIII 475mhz, I unfortunatly havent got the possiblity to contribute with pictures, but I surely will vote, and use the best ones.

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Postby amic » 02 Jan 2005 22:59

Menbrial's comment about VSK4 is 100% bollocks. Not enough oxygen high up in the mountains I guess. AFAIK there is no decision made about a VSK4, neither positive nor negative. I guess it's not quite decision time yet. Last time I heard -almost- from the source was December 2004.

To anyone requesting other boats and more control: try Sail Simulator. I like it, but it's really a different experience. Probably closer to reality (in SSimulator you spend your pre-start time making sure you get to the line on time; not trying to figure out who you are going to luff at the committee) but less fun as far as *racing* is concerned.
As I often put it, SSimulator is what I like to play when I am frustrated I can't sail my own sports cat. VSK is what I play when I want to "race like the big boys do on TV" eg during the AC.

I'm with Kwasi and others on this one, more control will mean less fun on the racing side of things. Which is the primary idea behind VSK (never claimed to be a sailing simulator, but a regatta simulator).


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Postby Berttie » 02 Jan 2005 23:20

But how baout this for an idea .... the best of VSK2+3+Sail simulator all in one package/game/simulator

We all know the market is quite small ... so mix these two version plus the marketing of someone like EA Sports .. WOW !!!
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Postby AndersDK » 07 Jan 2005 12:12

I just thought of a idea for next version or next patch. A small practical issue, which shouldnt be hard to implement.

How about timing when the boat crosses the start line. That way we can see who "won" the start (well knowing that that is not that only factor). We can see who has best start timing...
At the shot is obviously at 0.00, and you cross the line when the green line disapears.

Could be then presented at the scoreboard, which should appear when pressing Esc as today.

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Postby Jarmus » 07 Jan 2005 17:07

Why not keep extending that then and report who rounded each mark first. Could eventually be too much information to deal with.

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Postby Skiffie » 10 Jan 2005 02:45

I'll echo all of the previous suggestions basically... I like the idea of more flexibility / control of marks when designing courses (umm, not real experienced but can you adjust which side or a mark to round already?); ability to use a gate mark, "proper" match racing starts.

AI / Designer Courses - ability to have a designer course run either single player and AI boats, or if playing online or LAN then have the rest of the fleet "fleshed out" with AI boats - good solution for team racing where teams are uneven, or you could have real vs AI teams.

What about some work on 2007 America's Cup courses? i.e. some Valencia backdrops, conditions etc. And some improved "race committee" AI, such as changing mark locations with changing wind conditions, as per real life.
Mark (Skiffie)
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Postby Aeolus » 10 Jan 2005 16:30

Holy Crap guys. Some of these suggestions will cause me to invite 1 or 2 friends over while I play VSK because I won't have enough hands anymore. As it stands right now I have to take a sip from my beer quickly. I can't imagine what it would be like with more crap to do.

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Postby Skorpa » 10 Jan 2005 16:43

Use a straw Tony :D .
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Postby CAN uck » 10 Jan 2005 17:48

I already have that problem Tony, not to mention "sometimers" setting in so that even when I have enough hands/fingers I forget what to do with them.

Found a wonderful invention (can't remember where :)). I is a hat that hold two cans of beer, one over each ear and there is a straw with a double feed and single "suck" end.

If they add more controls to vsk3 I plan to hunt up the inventor and arrange to buy the patent. :p

Another even worse problem: I think I am allergic to beer, after 10 or 12 I thow up. :(

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Postby Aeolus » 10 Jan 2005 19:30

Another even worse problem: I think I am allergic to beer, after 10 or 12 I thow up.

I think I have the same issue, mind you I don't throw up, but I do feel kinda slow the next day. It also makes my GF say "no" a lot. She says something about "beer bird". So in my case it actually effects others around me. I will investigate more. Til then :beer: :beer: :beer:

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Postby Jarmus » 10 Jan 2005 21:33

CAN uck wrote:Found a wonderful invention (can't remember where :)). I is a hat that hold two cans of beer, one over each ear and there is a straw with a double feed and single "suck" end.

So, when you race with that contraption on, you suck?

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Postby CAN uck » 10 Jan 2005 22:32

"beer bird" some how I don't think she means that as a compliment Tony.

Very funny George, don't tell my FP partner but lately I seem to suck ALL the time.

May the :beer: be with you.

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Postby Skiffie » 18 Feb 2005 05:08

Just re-reading the Wishlist...

I've tried to observe the boatspeed when going downwind with waves - there's some change of speed there, but not true surfing, so surely this is a potential patch for VSK3 not something that needs huge development.

Another possibility is a split screen function, either to two monitors for those lucky enough, or like a "mirror" to see outside the current field of view.

While on graphics, a smarter camera is required, especially when sailing close to cliffs, to ensure the view of the yacht is not lost.

Team races - what about selectable chat in team races i.e. a hot key could toggle the message to your team only? Further, what about VOIP capability within VSK rather than relying on external systems like TeamSpeak or Ventrilo (could this also save PC resources or make it worse - I am not a PC expert)?

Mark (Skiffie)
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Postby Corsari » 03 Apr 2005 01:40

- What about 12 players? What about 30? *****
- NADEO server to centralize &upload every boat texture with his account/pasword. *****
- NADEO server to centralize every race statistic...with a rating format. We can view every race result of each skipper & a world VSK4 overall Rating in each competition.(maybe downloading a little aplication in php or asp...database etc..)
- NADEO server who organize world continent championships...and world championships based in ranking NADEO database. *****
- Better lobbit with little chat window. *****

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